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Nobel Laureates Paul D. Boyer and Jens C. Skou Die at 99 (acs.org)
35 points by newman8r on June 12, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I've been wanting to do an analysis of lifespans of Nobel vs the rest of the population since they seem to live longer than average.

Of course, you have to be alive to win so there's a survivorship bias but it'd be interesting to see a proper statistical analysis.

Rablen and Oswald 2008 beat you to that:


>Mortality and immortality: the Nobel Prize as an experiment into the effect of status upon longevity.

>Correcting for potential biases, we estimate that winning the Prize, compared to merely being nominated, is associated with between 1 and 2 years of extra longevity [in men].

Here is a list of all of them with their birth and death days: https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/lists/birthdays.html...

An interesting point made in https://web.math.princeton.edu/~kollar/FromMyHomePage/fm-ess... is that getting a fields medal is good for longevity, but bad if you "nearly got it": +8 yrs if you get it, -6 for "just missed" (see p. 6.)

The main point of the article is not about longevity, but rather: does the award lead to better or worse research? (It is awarded relatively early.)

Not a Nobel prize winner, but still interesting, Albert Hofmann, of LSD fame, lived to be a 102.

Social status seems to be correlated with life expectancy so it is possible wining the prize extends it.

May their ATPase keep pumping forever...


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