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1) I may sound like a total n00b, but don't you find it hard to code only from a command line environment? I mean, you can't use IDEs with SSH, right?

2) I'm going to be that guy that chimes in and says you have to be careful with code you write on company's time / using company equipment. So, be careful with that.

So you actually can but it can be a pain tbh...

Here is a link describing it


Of course with latency and all that sending x windows can slow it down a bit (and there was some weird stuff with me and my Chromebook with it, but I got it work in the end)

But! It definitely is possible, and once it's set up and everything it can become really helpful/useful

Not too sure security wise how it fairs but I figured if it's just for homework and on campus it should be fine for the most part, and ssh is secure (hence the name :D ) so it should be fine

1) I'm mostly using vim. Been using it for development for the past 6 years and loving it.

2) Thanks! Duly noted.

emacs works great in tmux session and i consider it as a very powerful IDE.

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