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I think I share much of your philosophy:

- started exercising regularly in 2013. The sport I choose is Boxing. I haven't done more effective exercise than interval training. And when you learn the technique(s) and get some sparring under your belt, I believe it has quite a positive impact on your confidence.

- In the last couple of years I've been a vegetarian primarily for ethical reasons.

- In that same time I had to learn to better control my weight through diet and calorie counting (sport helped with a lot of it, but vegetarianism makes it harder to get enough protein without going overboard on calories, so I needed to restrain caloric intake). Overall it was a positive change, even though the situation forced it on me, I got down to a healthier weight than before.

- About a month ago I started doing small sessions (10-20min) of transcendental meditation (I would basically calm myself down for a few minutes and then I would repeat a short motivational sentence in my mind). I am way too early into this, but I find the effects to be nothing short of fascinating.

- Few weeks ago I stopped using Facebook, I rarely use twitter anyways and I check email 3 times a day.

One downside of the last one is that I kind of started looking at HN a bit too much. :)

I definitely need to improve my social life and go out a bit more. So thanks for reminding me of that. Cheers!

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