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Every day you write down X things you are grateful/thankful for. The goal is to write new things every day.

The intent is to help you rediscover things in your life that you tend to take for granted. A lot of us have it pretty good but still feel sad or depressed day-to-day. This journaling process intends to curb that.

I tried this for a while, via daily tweets instead of a journal. Tried to find one thing a day, even if it was the smallest of things (e.g. first time wearing a new pair of socks!).

Very quickly I found out that my daily gratitudes are about (1) driving to/from work that was less congested than usual. (2) finding a good parking spot (mostly at work). (3) getting a tasty lunch (during lunch break, at work).

This actually depressed me, b/c it was just further indication all I do is work.

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