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In November, I wrote a personal update later and found some people that I hadn't talked to in over 5 years. I sent 10 people that letter and said if more than 5 reach out, I am going to do this monthly. 8 of them reached back out! I felt honored that people still remembered me and wanted to keep up.

I've been doing as vulnerable a letter as I can every month. And people I know from all sorts of relationships are reading it. Friends, family, mentors, you name it. Covering everything from work to romance to health. Not only has it helped me get more vulnerable, but it keeps me up to date with others, and when I see people in person they already have a conversation to start with. Overall it's been awesome and a highly recommend it for keeping relationships alive and strong.

I've always wanted to do this. I have friends that I havnt spoken to in a while who I would really like to stay in more regular contact with but it's hard once we don't have a social reason to see each other on anymore.

Every time I think about doing this I worry that it's way too self indulgent. I'm already a bit, see very, self absorbed at times and I think this would come off as a extension of that. Am I just paranoid?

No, you're not paranoid, I would think it was self indulgent if I got a letter like this from someone I hadn't seen in a long time.

That is really fascinating. Since its been a few months, have you noticed stronger relationships with the 8 people who replied back to you originally?

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