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i'm interested in this approach. what is your age and starting weight and what is your fasting window regime and what amount of calories per day do you shoot for?

I am a 30-year-old male. 172 cm and around 60 kg starting weight (skinny-fat, slender build, quite high fat % and almost no muscle).

After the initial water weight loss, my weight has been fluctuating around the 55 kg mark. However, fat loss is really, really noticeable. I had a pretty huge belly, and now you can see my abs. As I haven't lost that much weight, and as it remains stable while I notice more fat loss, I am certain I am also gaining lean body mass in the process.

I try to fast 18:6, by consuming 3 shakes of my own DIY keto powdered food (i.e. DIY soylent) at 14:00, 17:00 and 20:00, for around 650 kcal each. I also drink black coffee with 25 grams of butter some mornings if I feel like it.

I don't do IF every day, especially if I travel or if I stay over at my girlfriend's. You don't have to do it every single day to reap the benefits, as long as you stay in ketosis, or at worst as long as you don't fill your liver glycogen stores completely.

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