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Got back into fly fishing. I started when I was in college but kind of just ran out of time to practice and never really had many friends who did outdoorsy things.

My new job has me on-call a few months out of the year and it allows me to sneak away and get outside at a local park while being able to easily make it back home if needed (something that I can't easily do on long bike rides).

I also recently started tying my own flies which is something I found enjoyable. Its nice to create things outside of a computer screen occasionally and I have something concrete in my hand within an hour.

I hope to move someday close to a river or stream so I can pick the hobby back up. Used to tie my own as well, I highly recommend Trout Flies: The Tier's Reference [1]. Full color, step-by-step instructions, so enjoyable to flip through I still pick it up sometimes even though I don't fish anymore.

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Trout-Flies-Reference-Dave-Hughes/dp/...

I'll have to check that one out. So far its been mostly using random videos off Youtube, would be nice to have something physical to look at quickly.

yeah gettin out on the pond/lake/ocean whatever and dropping a line is AWESOME for outdoors people. I am in central illinois, been rainy & cloudy for about 8 days now waiting for some sun so i can go hit the pond after work and get a couple hours of peace & quiet. hopefully a couple nice largies or crappie too :p

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