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A cold shower in the morning. It is quick, cheap, easy on the skin, wakes you up and makes you feel like a champion.

A warm shower seems like such a big luxury to abandon.. don't know if I could do this.

The best of both worlds. Do the warm one and finish with colder water as far as you can comfortably take it. Do this repeatedly and over a 30 day period you should be able to go fully cold without an issue. Then you can lower temperature on starting temperature and in another 30 days you can go cold all the way.

Tip: start in the summer when the water temperature is still agreeable. Work your way up (or down?) from there.

BTW, I still take a warm shower now and then, preferably in the evening before bed.

I finish my warm shower with 10 seconds of cold. It's energizing and you won't need coffee.

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