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> ure there are pretty generous payments to most members of society, but there is still some petty crime and different social classes and lack of major mobility.

By most metrics, Denmark has one of the largest degrees of social mobility in the world. The US usually comes out worst or second-worst in the developed world (the UK is gaining on it lately).

the rent, salary, taxation, net worth and expectancy data for denmark's 5 million danes is comporable to the AVERAGE american city/suburban resident of similar background

in the USA we just have 100 million people that are literally in debt up to their eyeballs and die horrible unhealthy deaths every year.

im not saying this system is justified, im saying it skews our statistics. the US is like south africa-- a deliberately created class distinction between the rich and the poor which heavily skews along racial lines, but not always.

>im not saying this system is justified, im saying it skews our statistics. the US is like south africa-- a deliberately created class distinction between the rich and the poor which heavily skews along racial lines, but not always.

Well, at least we're openly admitting the US is a caste society by design now.

So, wait, are you saying "the US doesn't have a social mobility problem, except for the large social mobility problem it has"? I don't really follow.

The US absolutely, 100% has a social mobility problem. This social mobility problem is particularly prevalent among the bottom 33% of income earners/wealth owners in US society (aka +100m truly poor people).

However, when you control for this group of people (aka remove them from being counted), the US middle class is basically the same as the Danish middle class, in terms of mobility, income, life expectancy and so on.

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