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Hey np! Difference of views. No integration w CF is absolutely true but you're also totally free to do that. It doesn't prevent you from using it.

No auth support is false. We support session out of the box and you're free to impl any auth scheme of your choosing.

Custom file format is being well addressed in other comments. If you don't like it thats fine: enjoy YAML elsewhere.

CORS could be implemented in the file format…I'm personally not a fan for a variety of reasons but its open source. PR's welcome.

Magic folders! Absolutely. Structure is a good thing.

I don't find this negative. Serverless framework is an abstraction that is easily as verbose as CF but I'm not interested in comparing to it because we have different goals. Serverless is an abstraction between clouds. If mulitcloud is your goal: use Serverless. SAM is a flavor of CF which is def less verbose but still very vendor specific and …wordy.

This isn't a 'pet framework of the month'. I do take mild offense to that. Development of .arc started in 2015 for begin.com and got met with some serious production traffic (from things like Techcrunch and Venturebeat). It held up beautifully. We decided to pivot from our original producton into CI/CD for arc with begin.com because it is clear to us that it is a better way to build serverless apps.

Architect was officially open sourced in July of 2017 and donated to the JS Foundation to demonstrate the long term commitment to it. Development has been very active since. I stand behind my work, dedication to open governance and approach we're taking and, I think, I have the track record to ask for the benefit of the doubt when I say that.

Hi, thanks for the reply!

> No integration w CF is absolutely true but you're also totally free to do that.

It just seems then that there is no real way for me as a developer to transfer all the accumulated knowledge I already have about AWS to your framework. Looking through Architect's source, it actually seems as if everything is done via the AWS Javascript SDK, which seems a bit ... odd, to say the least. I'd even venture as far as saying it goes against the AWS Well Architected Framework guidelines (1) (which recommends using CloudFormation).

> No auth support is false. We support session out of the box and you're free to impl any auth scheme of your choosing.

Apologies, I couldn't find any mention in the docs. I meant more in terms of using an AWS service such as Cognito Federated Identities, and in terms of protecting API routes with either AWS_IAM, API keys or Cognito Authorizers.

> CORS could be implemented in the file format....

An Architect project deployment is not exactly repeatable if I still have to go to the Web Console to enable CORS now, is it?

> Magic folders!

I personally would prefer either my project's root `node_modules` or a Webpack bundle be deployed, over which I have some measure of control. Node already has a hard enough time with its resolution algorithms, must we add to the madness?

> Serverless framework is an abstraction that is easily as verbose as CF

I can't agree with you on Serverless being as verbose as CloudFormation, and I think you should know better as someone who has dealt with the complexity of setting up API Gateway programatically.

> but I'm not interested in comparing to it because we have different goals.

I think the comparisons are fair - both Architect and Serverless claim to be "Serverless frameworks". I could be in the minority though.

> Serverless is an abstraction between clouds. If mulitcloud is your goal: use Serverless.

I mean... you're not wrong, but that's grossly oversimplifying it. I've personally added support for Serverless AWS projects to allow hooking up Lambdas to Cognito User Pool triggers. That's a pretty solid AWS-only use-case, that likely isn't available on other cloud platforms (or at least, I never implemented it for them).

> SAM is a flavor of CF which is def less verbose but still very vendor specific and …wordy.

Well, isn't Architect vendor-specific as well?

> This isn't a 'pet framework of the month'. I do take mild offense to that.

Apologies for that remark. I'll be honest - I'm not really interested in the story behind the framework, I'm more interested in what it brings to the table. I'm glad your project worked for you and your company, and I wish it the best, but personally I don't see why Architect couldn't have just been a layer of syntax sugar over SAM/Serverless framework. If there was a killer feature that's specific to Architect, I can't see it (unless you count the file format as a feature).

(1) https://d1.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/architecture/AWS_Well-A...

Long story short is this existed well before CF support did for Lambda. I don't think you're actually interested in learning and more interested in appearing to know what you're talking about so I'll leave it at that.

Also! Killer features galore but folks having trouble seeing past the fmt. You're just making so many assumptions here it's very clear you didn't try it. It's fast.. really fast. Faster than CF.

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