I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. As other commenters have pointed out, nobody knows or could have known where Bitcoin was going to go, unless they were in control of substantial liquid leverage and knew that they could constrain supply indefinitely.
And even then, holding a corner on supply of an untested asset is still no guarantee it will perform. Sergey Brin and Larry Page tried to sell Google to excite.com for a paltry $5MM ... and Excite turned them down. Even they, who of all people should have had the utmost confidence in the future (and control over supply)of their own brainchild asset, didn't fully understand the significance of what they were sitting on.
And even then, holding a corner on supply of an untested asset is still no guarantee it will perform. Sergey Brin and Larry Page tried to sell Google to excite.com for a paltry $5MM ... and Excite turned them down. Even they, who of all people should have had the utmost confidence in the future (and control over supply)of their own brainchild asset, didn't fully understand the significance of what they were sitting on.