Yes, cars kill, injure, and create disease, but they also connect people across the world, to relatives, to work, to buy and deliver goods and services.
Without cars, our level of productivity would be a fraction of what it is today as employment is confined to a tiny geography. Many more people would die from fires, disease, and crime as emergency services arrive on horse drawn carriage. Most people would never venture out of their hometowns.
Car companies, for all their faults, for all their fraud and corruption, create products that immeasurably benefit us every day. Before we call them evil, we must look at the impact they have on each of us. That impact is decidedly positive, as evidenced by the widespread ownership of cars.
Without cars, our level of productivity would be a fraction of what it is today as employment is confined to a tiny geography. Many more people would die from fires, disease, and crime as emergency services arrive on horse drawn carriage. Most people would never venture out of their hometowns.
Car companies, for all their faults, for all their fraud and corruption, create products that immeasurably benefit us every day. Before we call them evil, we must look at the impact they have on each of us. That impact is decidedly positive, as evidenced by the widespread ownership of cars.