Proctor does great interviews. He's talked to most of the PLT folks, as well as Matthew Butterick. It was the Butterick interview that first made me aware of Racket.
While I listen to Functional Geekery on the regular and do enjoy it, I would say Proctor has great guests but the interviewing style definitely has some room for improvement. The thing that comes to mind is explaining for every guest "and... I became aware of you through <some mundane details>" but there is a lot more to what makes me feel the interviews are a bit lacking in energy sometimes.
This one with Mathias Felleisen is an old interview from 2016 by the way, not sure why it's popping up here now.
I'll admit, Proctor is no Terry Gross, but Terry Gross isn't interviewing Scott Wlaschin or Nikhil Swamy. I've learned about some really fascinating topics by listening.