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[jwz] The history of Microsoft should not be ignored because of “recent changes” (archive.is)
45 points by Qub3d on June 5, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Direct Link: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2018/06/lol-github/

I used an archival service because jwz doesn't like HN and has a referral redirect.

If anyone has a serious bone to pick with MICROS~1, it's Jamie Zawinski. Dude has been wronged by that company in more ways than one.

Just read the Wikipedia - what a story just from the scant pieces! Can you tell more about what MS has done to jwz (other than killing Netscape)?

That aside, the DNA lounge is a great places - I've ended up there for a couple of events/shows, and it has been a positive experience. Never would have guessed that I'd end up on the wiki page for it from a HN link!

I don't know much, but I was referring mainly to Netscape. Microsoft threw every anti-competitive trick in the book to kill Netscape.

I mentioned the OOXML debacle in my poorly written wishlist for Satya. (the link was https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2409808/microsoft-... if you don't want to click through)

As a side note, if Microsoft - according to Mr. Nadella - is to be judged for the recent past, that would mean judging them mainly on:

1) the killing of the Windows Phone platform (which IMHO all in all wasn't that bad)

2) the pushing of Windows 10 (that IMHO all in all is simply terrible)

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