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I work on "boring" stuff (CRUD, frontend and backend) and love it.

Maybe because I remember all to well what jobs I used to have:

- farm hand (heavy work on smaller less automated farms)

- construction (noisy, wet, dusty etc)

- security

- help desk

Being paid 8 hours a day to work on borderline interesting tasks, getting free lunch, being paid to study etc feels great. Oh, and I can work from home if I need to.

I also make my work interesting by putting some effort into it.

How do you get over the chaos that is front end (hip frameworks every week).

Agree this is a problem. Here's how we make it work:

Work with great people. Also code reviews make sure new dependencies don't usually in unless the team agrees (we are a reasonable bunch).

Standardized on Angular. It seems to me Angular has less churn. Yes: there is a life cycle and we have to follow the releases but it is mostly well documented.

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