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We do innovate. What we don't do however, is giving everybody a job in innovation.

These days, one of the bigger thing the market rewards is writing a web-based CRUD that's 99% chrome, 1% of actual functionality. Extra points if you can get some user data to sell to adtech industry.

I don't think they are rewarded on the grand scheme of things. Software has always showed a winner-takes-all structure and most software disappear. Take for example the game industry. 15 years ago, you would have talk to anybody, they would have told you the market is mature and they are making money on making movie-based games. Today, most players (publishers, studios, etc) of that era have disappeared (Im too lazy to get the long list of publishers that are gone).

Also innovation can act in a subtle way. Take the iphone for example. People are more productive because of it. That means that hospital, universities, research labs, non-profits, etc, all are doing better jobs which means we cure more disease, teach, help and study better, etc. because of the iphone.

But yeah, if you dont work in innovation, then you work for the current "government", the current group-thinked direction made by some smart "politicians" (by "politician" I mean that guy who lick asses all day long, who goes always in the direction that's well accepted and who use words to seduce people and get what he wants). It's either innovate (rare) or maintain.

Maybe our civilisation has finally crushed my soul, and I noticed it just now. But it feels to me that the revealed goal of our market-driven world is to abstract everything away with money.

There is a passage in the movie "1492: Conquest of Paradise" by Ridley Scott that I love:

"Look outside, what do you see?" ask Colombus to some royal acolyte

"I see towers, I see palaces, I see steeples, I see civilisation. And I see spires that reach to the sky!" answer the politician contrasting with the wild america of that time.

"All of them created by people like me" say Colombus

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