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Wow, a surprising number of responses agreeing with boredom... I'll share a different point of view.

I've been running DNSFilter for 3 years. We're (still) facing interesting texhnical challenges - ranging from BGP community strings being used to balance a global anycast network, to handling volumes of time series data [1], to designing a golang daemon to ssl sign incoming requests on the fly for domains we won't know ahead of time, to figuring out new ways to pass data in DNS, and support cutting edge standards like DNS over TLS, DNS over HTTPS.

I was just saying to my wife the other day how ridiculous it is that most things we do are technically challenging, and you have to think outside the box how to get it done -- while I was implementing a block page for user agents which requires a 19 step process to determine the user's DNS Agent ID, and display the right logo on the block page ;)

Some might dismiss these challenges due to our use (abuse) of DNS for purposes it was not intended for. Fair. Also, welcome to the real world, and we're solving problems are customers are asking for... and just figuring out interesting ways to get the job done.

1: https://blog.dnsfilter.com/3-billion-time-series-data-points...

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