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Absolutely, yes. Using your CS skills to write CRUD apps is the path of least resistance to create economic value. Where I live (Johannesburg), the demand for CRUD apps is so high that no single firm or group of firms can absorb it all. You can happily create a thriving software development business in Johannesburg without worrying about competition (maintaining standards and hiring well is a different story).

The most exciting thing at my old job was this DFS I had to do once.

That said, there are very interesting tech jobs out there - such as scaling boring old CRUD apps. The high frequency trading space also has many interesting problems. Imagine working on a system where you start to care about nanosecond optimizations. I interviewed (and failed at it, lol) at Optiver [0]. You should check them out.

[0] https://www.optiver.com/na/en/

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