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There's something about the layout and style of the latter part of the page. Maybe part of it is that the "buy for $10" button is repeated so many times. Maybe it's the intense green I'm reacting to. I was also felt something, I don't know what, when I saw the loading widget after pressing the buy button. I think I reacted both to the fact that I had to wait and its somewhat antiquated style (feels a bit 2012-ish; no maliciousness intended, maybe my tastes are weird). Of course, these might just be N=1 impulses, don't take my reactions on faith without a/b testing stuff.

You're absolutely right about the buttons (and the other things too, btw). I'm going to be a/b testing the buttons part, so yeah, I hear you.

Agreed on the buttons, it give the impression of desperation somehow, like someone repeatedly tugging at your coat sleeve saying 'please, please buy me'.

Hear hear.

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