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Show HN: BitHubLab, Search for projects on all the major Git platforms (bithublab.org)
318 points by grblovrflowerrr on June 4, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 46 comments

This is very cool. If you start to hit API rate limits for these services, you can try using the Sourcegraph API (email me sqs@sourcegraph.com and I can make sure your API key isn't rate-limited). Sourcegraph indexes all of these Git platforms and has a search API: https://about.sourcegraph.com/docs/features/api.

Does Sourcegraph not already have this feature? Do they plan to?

(Sourcegraph CEO here.) Yes, Sourcegraph does support this, with a caveat. You can query Sourcegraph for things like "repo:saml2" at https://sourcegraph.com/search?q=repo%3Asaml2 to find matching repositories. But currently we limit the number of matching repositories for interactive queries on Sourcegraph.com, so you need to use a sufficiently distinct query term.

This is because we built Sourcegraph for the more common code search use case: searching for text/regexp matches across all the code that matters to me (up to ~30k repositories). That's something that devs inside companies with large codebases do 5-20+ times per day.

As it turns out, searching across millions of open-source repositories is a less common use case (overall), only needed 0-3 times per week on average. We want to support this use case better, too, but it's not our priority based on what we've learned from devs.

Interestingly, some people look at Sourcegraph and say "I don't think code search is very useful" because they are thinking of the open-source code search use case. Anyone who's worked at Google/Facebook or a company that has Sourcegraph/OpenGrok/Hound/etc. understands that code search is super valuable. It is amazing to be able to search across all the code that matters to you in 1.5 seconds with a single hotkey (for me, it's alt-tab to Chrome, ctrl+L, src<TAB>, because I'm using our browser extension: https://about.sourcegraph.com/docs/features/browser-extensio...).

Awesome! Thanks a ton, I'll play around with this later today.

Very cool. Thanks!

Mildly annoying nitpick:

The name is BitHubLab (Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab) yet the checkboxes in the bottom are in Github - Gitlab - Bitbucket order.

As if the name is HubLabBit rather than BitHubLab


> and also bitbucket is unchecked by default?

Uh huh, I'm with you.

> how absolutely idiotic

Whoa, too much.

I love the logo. Beware those platforms might go after you for trademark violation.

(I'd personally argue you're making a joke and it should be protected under parody, but no one ever actually wants to go on a legal fight over a logo).

Really good concept though. Good work.

This is really neat, and as the GitHub acquisition moves forward, I suspect a lot of Microsoft's competitors will move elsewhere, so this will be handy.

What about self-hosting though? If you run your own GitLab, how would you get listed on your search engine? Is that something you've looked at?

My thought exactly. For something that can easily be self-hosted, I feel a focus on a handful of "major platforms" is the wrong approach. Already people in this thread are saying that smaller well-known instances are "not major enough" which I disagree with.

Other than Github's icon, I had no idea what the icons for the other check boxes were. I figured it out, but I would recommend using the name rather than icon especially since the names aren't long. I also recommend to start with them all checked by default then let people filter later.

At very least, give the images titles, so when you hover you get a nice tooltip. Also, give them alts so I can still tell which is which if I'm using a browser without images.

Haha! Love the logo!

In terms of use: the search results seem good when searching a specific thing, but results can be a bit less useful when searching something generic like "python directory utility".

I'm not sure I can see myself using this over Google or the package ecosystems for the various languages and frameworks I use

PS: in isakkeyten's comment the implied name based on order of checkboxes is "HubLabBit", which I actually like better as a name as it rolls off the tongue a little better IMO.


The checkboxes are pixelated (this is FF) and rather hard to distinguish from the logos. Oddly, at first, I was looking at the logos from right to left and I was confused what the last and third to last logos were, hah.

It would be cool if the logos themselves were the checkboxes, with a darker version for checked and lightened version for unchecked (and all should be checked by default).

Ah you’ve stumbled across a bug I filed with Mozilla a few months ago but wasn’t able to follow up on for lack of time (it’s not my primary browser and I’m not a web dev primarily): https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1448682

I encourage affected people to follow up on bugzilla.

Yeah, looks odd in FF with GTK too[0]. Not pixelated, but weirdly scaled none the less.

[0] https://screenshots.firefox.com/xZsGtZme1muvymp8/bithublab.o...

Relying on opacity for state is generally bad for accessibility

> on all the major Git platforms

missing notabug.org and savannah

Well, they are not major enough, I guess.

Never heard of them.

Edit: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/

No wonder this is not a popular site.

those are not major git platforms

well there are thousands of users and repositories instead of millions, but I think they are still relevant.

and https://launchpad.net/ (...sorry)

Just wondering why BitBucket option isn't enabled by default?

Yeah, that threw me for a loop. I searched for one of my repos on BitBucket and was left scratching my head until I saw the (bizarre-looking) unchecked checkbox. At the very least, it should be made more clear that BitBucket isn't being searched by default...particularly since it's the first name in the portmanteau!

Awesome stuff! Great timing too. Code Search is super useful and there are a bunch of folks already going after this space. Sourcegraph, CodePilot.ai, Searchcode.com, and many more! Happy to see something so light and elegant for the use case. Good work!

Thanks, it's a simple layer on top of the existing APIs and search interfaces so it's not nearly as feature complete as those other services(that would require actually crawling and indexing). I made it just for fun but who knows, might be worth expanding on.

What's the front end? I've been thinking of building something similar, but I'm bad at front-end tech.

The frontend is reactjs. Very simple.

Oh this is just what I was looking for! It would be cool to have a "GitHub" like interface that shows you repos from gitea, gogs, basically anywhere there's a hosted repo on the internet, not just from a centralized git hosting website

nice tool, nice timing, might be useful with all the moving projects. pls consider adding the title attribute to the images for screen readers and users who don't know the logos.

Noted, thanks for pointing that out I hadn't thought of the accessibility element.

Slightly tangent, I really hope these kind of things enable us to do more with code already written:

* Like I should be able to query based on signature of the function rather than just banking on its name.

* I want to see how different projects use this particular package- what are its most used methods; how any of its types are constructed.

* What are the best practices for using a particular package etc

The checkboxes under the search bar does not look like checkboxes but a series of logos of platforms. I was left wondering what ticked boxes meant.

Cool project.

Something for the backlog: I enjoy the explore/discovery feature of GitHub - aggregating that into one site would be great.

I wonder if it’s possible to automaticaly have a mirror of my GitHub repositories to GitLab, or GitBucket.

Gitlab has mirroring as an option.

> You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.


Very nice. Maybe you should include stars and last commit date in the search results, or even as filters.

Has a typo: "repisitories"

Also, didn't found one of my repositories hosted publicly on github since years.

> You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

Okay, it's a first iteration, but this would be ideal to provide some functioning homepage and otherwise potentially do server-side stuff and not require client-side JavaScript just to see text and HTML forms and submit them.

Right on the day that Microsoft acquires Gitlab :-)

It is not coincidence. The page has been created today!

Yeah I made this in reaction to the news. Glad I got it together quickly!

GitHub* ;)

Needs more ChiselApp ! ;-)

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