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A had a few NCSC security posters that look like they came from the same art department, which I scanned:

Uncle Sam pointing: I want to protect the information in YOUR computer. https://i.imgur.com/e0a67w9.jpg

Santa shooshing: He does not give away PASSWORDS. SHOULD YOU? https://i.imgur.com/ZZDXBBn.jpg

Pirate and Spy: Pirate or Thief? Respect Copyright. It's the law. https://i.imgur.com/Oa8DDeU.jpg

And I took screenshots from that PDF of my favorites:

Magician pulling rabbit out of hat: No Trick to Security. It's Just Common Sense. https://i.imgur.com/9EvTtsI.png

People with safe dials in their mouths: Put Security Where Your Mouth Is. https://i.imgur.com/WAbAEuM.png

Hot pink poster with James Dean in a sultry pose with his arm draped around a safe: Up tight and out of sight. (I'll refrain from cracking any safe sex jokes!) https://i.imgur.com/dBv13kU.png

That poster with safe dials on their mouths looks horrifying.

TPC (The Phone Company, in The President's Analyst) would rather put phone dials in everyone's mouth.

art department

Some of these actually look quite great, as far as art goes. I mean compared with what i usually see ob billboards etc these days, there's some nice gems here.

There are books of political posters. I wonder if there are any for US political posters?

The artwork in these books is amazing.

I have this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Soviet-Political-Poster-1917-1980/d...

(I was awarded a book token as a merit prize at school. I chose this book. There was fleeting mild consternation on the faces of the teachers and the Conservative politician as they handed me the book in the award ceremony.)

A little off-topic, but clicking imgur "direct" links on mobile redirects you to the standard m.imgur.com URL now? Eww.

Maybe you'd like this web extension, Imagus:


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx8fnUCX4W2IN0E1UFN4... (versions for Chrome, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera and Safari)

You just press $key when hovering over an image (edit: or image link) and voilà!

They started enforcing this pretty strictly in the last few weeks. It's a massive turnoff as a service, but considering they're a "social network" now and not just a reddit-specific image host, it's not a surprise.

Ah, the undending cycle of image hosting services. First they start clean and useful, then they gradually degrade in an increased effort to be profitable, then they get replaced by something new that's clean and useful...

Only for as long as initial investor money lasts I guess. There's just no money to be made in 'free' image hosting without starting to do some nasty tactics, mostly involving direct (hot) linking.

How do you make money off hot linking? I thought hot linking was the thing users want to be able to do, that's inherently impossible to monetize.

Which is why you directly charge the users for it. cf. Photobucket

Which is what makes people not want to use the service, and switch to whoever allows hotlinking at the moment. That's how imgur came to be.

They've been doing this for a while now; at least requesting the desktop site will still redirect you back to the actual image.

Still enough for me to dislike any imgur link, however.

(This also happens on non-mobile browsers.)

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