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I've been waiting for this for years. Good job convincing Mozilla to do this! Good idea to standardize the spec, too.

I hope they give a good name to this new super-private mode (which actually isn't too bad of a name, either).

I also hope they don't just implement a "more private" mode in Firefox, but also a more hardened mode for Tor. The Tor mode in Firefox should use the strictest possible sandboxing technologies available to them from the operating system (file system virtualization, etc).

I'm even talking about those new fancy hypervisor-based micro-VMs in Windows 10, which I believe they are called Krypton containers, and it's what Edge uses within the Application Guard context. Although if the users have to enable Hyper-V/Micro-VMs first in Windows, then maybe this hardening mechanism should be optional, but encouraged. Otherwise, it should probably be the default.


Oh, and this hardened mode should use a different process for every tab/extension, too, by default, just like Chrome does. I still don't think Mozilla's "hybrid" approach makes it as secure as Chrome (which is why it's a hybrid/compromise for lower memory usage).

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