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Architecture of a Database System (2007) [pdf] (cs.berkeley.edu)
210 points by Tomte on May 30, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

A great deeper resource is the readings in databases collection (redbook) - http://www.redbook.io/

The previous edition is a great read: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~nil/764/

(Haven’t read the new one... YMMV)

Also relevant:


Choice quote from there: > Kill the reference architecture and rethink our conception of “database.” The article titled “Architecture of Database System” should be considered harmful. If a system doesn’t have a buffer pool, it can still be a database, and, in fact, I’d prefer not to read any more papers on “databases” that have buffer pools. Instead, I’d prefer you shock me with your radical, new (and useful!) conception of a data management platform.

Yes. And this paper by Stonebreaker et al was the catalyst for that kind of thinking: http://www.vldb.org/conf/2007/papers/industrial/p1150-stoneb... and his presentation: https://youtu.be/DJFKl_5JTnA

Also, see this blog post: http://www.dbms2.com/2008/02/18/mike-stonebraker-calls-for-t...

I wonder how this would compare to things like IMS. It's one of few non-relational databases quite widely used for OLTP, and it has a reputation of (possibly) being really fast.

> 1. No disks or other persistent storage at all.

> 2. No multi-threading.

> 3. No locks.

> 4. No redo logs (and perhaps not a lot of undo logs either).

Well, 3/4 Redis!

The CMU Advanced Database Systems lectures are also really good: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSE8ODhjZXjYplQRUlrgQ...

If you are interested in the life of a query but in a modern distributed database, this blog post from my colleague at Fauna illustrates the data flow of a global transactional database https://blog.fauna.com/the-life-of-a-faunadb-query

do you happen to know how those nifty ASCII diagrams were created?

I would recommend Monodraw: https://monodraw.helftone.com

Apparently the author used `vim`, but you can also do this in `emacs` with `artist-mode` and `ditaa`[1]

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIuX87Xo8Fc

He says it's vim's visual block mode + colour post-processed in GIMP

PlantUML can also generate diagrams and export as ASCII art.

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