The hilarious part about that is that when medium launched everybody was falling over themselves to say how this was the future of blogging because of the pretty fonts and the lack of annoying screen real estate consuming extras.
I would understand if the popup appeared once, after 5 articles. But the fact that it's every article I read is just infuriating. I have literally no reason to sign up to Medium.
I've been too lazy to block the popup, but I think I will next time it appears.
Don't forget about when it asks you to share the highlighted text! I've disabled that with some Chrome extension, thankfully, but haven't figured out the popup yet.
God, I hate that highlighted text, because it's always some faux-deep quote that just pisses me off. Like I might have appreciated it if it weren't for that stupid highlighting making it look like it's a teenager stopping halfway through a presentation to look at you and make sure that you caught he said something intelligent.
I get irrationally angry at that highlighting. BTW ublock origin might be able to block the popup, if you right click -> block element
Good god, no I don't want a medium account and will not want a medium account thank you.