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This particular case aside, I'm fairly certain that doctors in the United States perform unnecessary procedures all the time so that they can charge more, or drag out consultations across multiple visits to be able to charge independently for each visit. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened here because it is so common. Medicine is a corrupt field full of overpaid doctors. Look at how much doctors make in, say, the UK. At the same time, wait times in the UK is pretty terrible from what I hear.

Several of the Dr's and specialists in the US write down different procedures than what is done. I don't think it's malicious (at least to the patient), but I think it's mainly to avoid issues with insurance companies not covering stuff. I can see how this isn't kosher with many people though.

I have some weird issues that no one can seem to figure out, so when I go to the Dr's, they'll sometimes take the shotgun approach. If they know that the insurance company is going to give me flak for something, the Dr's put down whatever is needed for insurance to cover it.

One example was when I felt a pop in my jaw after eating something. Within a few minutes it hurt so bad that I passed out from the pain, and woke up an hour or so later. I went to the Dr's and had them do what they do. They did a bunch of tests and the Dr told me that he had to put down that I have "head pains" instead of "jaw pains" otherwise insurance wouldn't cover it.

I'm not huge on the idea and I'm sure I'm paying for it in one way or another. It is much better than paying thousands out of pocket 5+ times a year.

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