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That's what we eventually do but the lockfiles don't care, a resource url is a resource url. We use yarn too which does proxies only in .yarnrc IIRC.

Do you have an externally available Nexus? Using ours through a VPN beats the main purpose - fast(er) installs. That's why for WFH scenarios we have a script to switch between our proxy and NPM.

Our Nexus setup is internal only. For WFH, we have hundreds of folks using a corporate VPN which routes to our office, and then our office routes to our AWS VPC, which is where our Nexus installation lives. I set this configuration up and haven't had any real issues with it, nor do I see any reason to switch between a proxy and npm.

If a developer is using an older buggy version of npm that doesn't respect .npmrc and changes a lock file to point back to npmjs.org entries, we deny the PR and ask for it to be fixed. Right now that check is unfortunately manual, but there are plans to automate it. It can be easy to miss at times though, since GitHub often collapses lock files on PR's due to their size.

For us, the main purpose of using Nexus as a proxy is to maintain availability and to cache/maintain package versions. If you're using Nexus to make things faster, then you probably shouldn't be using it. If you want faster installs, look into using `npm ci`.

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