I had a terrible experience with a vacation rental, so I left a brutally honest review. Was aggressively met with verbal lawsuit threats. I ended up talking with the owner quite a bit about how disappointing of an experience it was for us. I agreed to remove the original review in replace of a less "colorful" one. He at least said he understood some points and agreed to make some changes. But I got the feeling it was common for him to use these scare tactics to prevent bad reviews. And it worked. Not worth it to me to fight this battle, so I chose not to provide another review. I just wanted to prevent others from going through the same thing. The rental site was of no help and said they don't get involved.
In this case, the doctors bigger concern may be insurance fraud , if overcharging and/or performing unnecessary procedures.
Slightly related - but gives me a chance to tell this story.
Recently, I stayed at an AirbNb with many great reviews. The guy asked me to NOT leave a review ("We already have lots of good ones"). His issue - the reviews are used by the county to see how often their place is being rented out.
"the doctors bigger concern may be insurance fraud"
Less serious but immediate is the bad publicity of the fact that they aggressively sue unsatisfied patients.
I may think twice going to such a person instead of other alternatives.
In this case, the doctors bigger concern may be insurance fraud , if overcharging and/or performing unnecessary procedures.