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This is awesome, it reminds me of the security course I took in school where we had to smash stacks and hunt for various buffer overflow exploits. It was one of my favorite classes, but also one of the most difficult!

To me this is one of the most impressive fields of CS/Software Engineering because of the skill required to understand and exploit full systems. Even though I'm a software dev, reading this makes me feel very humbled and shows how little I actually know.

Thanks for the read!

This is based off the below link which was posted in another comment. Much more informative than the github repo imo. http://crack.bargains/02r0.pdf

If you find that kind of thing fun, there are a bunch of free online CTF-style "wargames" that involve exploiting software with intentionally added bugs in a sandbox. Not nearly as difficult and impressive as this kind of real in-the-wild exploit, but definitely fun.



This type of stuff is also what does make me sad for not doing CS in college, cause it requires a lot of work to learn in my free time yet super interesting.

I can guarantee you that most people who went through CS in college never had a course like that.

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