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> Just thought it's an interesting divergence between what's taught in school and in practice.

Not really, no. This isn't a matter of complexity theory being less useful than promised, it's just a matter of understanding what it tells you.

In complexity theoretic terms, platform-specific micro-optimisations are constant factors. They can have a real impact, but they're only worth worrying about after you've got good complexity.

Bubble-sort in fine-tuned SIMD assembly code will out-perform bubble-sort in Python, but will be far slower than a Python quicksort (except for small inputs).

Notice that we're discussing which hash-map to use, as opposed to which data-structure to use in the first place. Their basic time-complexities are the same, so we have the luxury of worrying about the constant factors.

Linear-scan dictionaries can't compete here, no matter how well micro-optimised. (Again, except for very small inputs.) Complexity theory tells us why.

Additionally, complexity theory is useful when reasoning about large problems (high values of n), but it doesn't tell you how to do the platform-specific micro-optimisations that are important when attacking small problems. Implementation details will dominate there, rather than the number of algorithmic operations.

Anyone who teaches complexity theory without explaining these points, has done their students a disservice.

> I wonder if there's something that's more predictive than big Oh for these types of analysis.

When it comes to real-world performance, there's no substitute for just measuring real-world performance. Detailed analysis of things like cache behaviour, and behaviour under highly concurrent access, could be neat though.

Edit For completeness, I should mention that in extreme cases, there are indeed algorithms with superior complexity which are in practice completely useless, as the break-even point is so awfully high that they could never be useful. Matrix multiplication, for instance, where the algorithms with the best time-complexity are quite literally never useful. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Computational_com...

Perhaps that contradicts my whole point :-P

The other limitation of complexity theory is that in practice we often care about average-case performance, whereas theorists tend to care more about worst-care performance.

The increasing latency [1] of access to larger amounts of storage isn't a constant factor, though, even asymptotically. There was a fun post on HN a while ago arguing that random access latency to N bytes is asymptotically O(N^0.5), from both empirical data about real systems and theoretically from the Bekenstein bound and the speed of light. And even if you don't buy that it clearly can't be less than O(N^1/3). Don't go preaching this in job interviews, though :-)

The truth is that complexity theory is always done relative to some abstract machine model, and as with all models it's up to you to determine if the model is a good fit for your practical reality. "To the extent that mathematics reflects reality it is not certain, and to the extent that it is certain it does not reflect reality." There exist abstract models, like the cache oblivious model, that do a somewhat better job of grappling with this issue but don't require to just throw up your hands and rely solely on benchmarks of real hardware. There is probably room for new theory in this area.

[1] not throughput, which isn't as hard to scale up

The article in question: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12383012

It's fun to think about, but the presentation played fast and loose with a few concepts. Sparked some lively discussion because of that. I really like the idea of needing to count random memory accesses as costing more than sequential accesses when analyzing algorithms in a big-O-type notation.

back when HDDs were a thing, and sequential accesses were much, much faster than random accesses.

So people developed algorithms that maximised locality of reference, like B-trees. An interesting line of work in this vein is that of cache-oblivious algorithms :)

> even if you don't buy that it clearly can't be less than O(N^1/3)

Maybe I'm missing something, but why's that?

To the rest of your comment: all good points.

Well, if with your best technology you can pack B bits of information in 1 m^3 of space, and you need to store N bits of information, you are going to need (N/B) m^3 of space to store it. And then the speed of light limits you to around (N/B)^(1/3)/c seconds of latency to get to the farthest bits.

(This ultimately violates the Bekenstein bound - as your server cube grows it will eventually collapse into a black hole - but this is not really a concern with forseeable technology! More practically, though, Earth's gravity makes it hard to build very high in the air, which limits you to O(N^1/2), and things like cooling and maintenance access probably impose a limit somewhere in between.)

Makes sense, thanks.

Imagine your bits stored in a sphere around your CPU. Take into account the time light needs to reach the bit you want to touch.

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