This is beautifully done. I noticed the affiliation with - I love that you guys are working on stuff like this. Beautiful, simple products that do one thing with a focus on UX. Make more, please!
White or very light background, rounded corners, drop shadows, and some time on spent on proportion.
It's a nicer look than Material or any of its flat competitors.
I wouldn't object if web design headed back in this direction, but it's not a new look. Various Kai Krause and Metacreations products used a version of it back in the 1990s.
I see a mix of flat and material design, but I'm not sure it has a name like Brutalist does. One should probably come up soon given how nice it is. I really like the Rubik font here.
I agree. I'm using a similar design in a current pet project (, it's fun. I still need to update the old lightpink + #181818 modules, though. :)
Yeah, the design is really great! The only thing that slightly (as slightly as one can imagine) put me off are the sharp corners on the "Side project collective" box, while everywhere else are those nice round corners. It may be just me, though, just my two cents.
Gradient Topography emits SVG, so you’re clearly not allergic to vector formats; yet Trianglify and Particles emit PNG because they’ve been drawn on a canvas rather than with SVG in the first place.
Being able to emit both PNG and SVG would be best, instructing to use SVG where possible because it’s better than PNG.
Working on this. Tough at the moment since the particles background gets GPU intensive. Need to pause, resize canvas while maintaining frame, download image then resize back down and start animating again.
Just checked. If it's the one called Silva it definitely looks like it's the same location/photographer, but they are slightly different.
It looks like it uses photos from which is a collection of free photos.
Absolutely. The current 1192x580 is far too low, especially for the backgrounds with thin lines like "Particles".
By the way, the Particles backgrounds get slower and slower every time I choose a different color scheme. It seems to be calling updateEdges / drawEdge N times per frame, where N is the number of color schemes you've viewed.
Looks beautiful, though. I'll definitely be checking back for high res versions.
Nice images, I like the content.
Would just be nice if you could add anonymizeIp to GA (if it's needed at all) and maybe host the fonts yourself. Not only for GDPR, but just for privacy.
Not everything published online is for immediate financial reward. Sometimes it's to build a digital portfolio. Sometimes it's to learn some new technologies. And sometimes it's just for the fun of it.
If you plan to make some radical alterations that could potentially "fix" that bug in near future, could you please freeze current state somewhere until diagnosis finishes?
this is actually the best, uncluttered, background
i work on a black terminal, without window borders, on a black background without icons, and people pass by my desk and are all "whoa, what kind of super-fancy interface is that?"... it gets me every time