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Not sure what SEO issues you're talking about, since many search engines index React apps properly even with no server rendering.

Also child comments are talking about it being a waste of developer time and server resources. If the developer saved time doing the React version instead of using a static site builder, was it really a waste of time?

Finally, if there's ever a next step for this site having to convert from a static version to a dynamic one could suck.

I have to wonder if this is criticism just for the sake of having something negative to say. Does anybody really think the kind of micro-optimizations these comments perpetuate are really worth making it a more complex problem?

Props to the devs of this site for using what they wanted and felt was best for their use case.

> If the developer saved time doing the React version instead of using a static site builder

How is this even possible?

On top of that, WHY would you even use React (a framework designed for dynamic web apps) for a static website? The only reason I know of is because developers want to look hip. Please tell me if I am completely missing something you know.

> How is this even possible?

Maybe they have processes where it is a one-click thing to setup a new site like this. With a combination of 'set in their ways' using a static builder might include setting up a new build system or fiddling with new CSS setups and so on.

E.g. I'm an iOS developer and if I am to prototype something, I often just start from an already built app rather than doing it inside a prototyping tool. Because it saves me time for what I want out of it.

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