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>> However, every article offers thorough and detailed reasoning of why something is suggested as a best practice. The reasoning is key.

I could show you 10 thorough and detailed product pitches from seasoned and experienced people for Farmville. 8 out of those 10 pitches turn out to be utter failures in the field.

Hacker News has little patience for armchair theory. Why do you think patio11 is so highly regarded? It's because he shows us why our rational thinking about users is wrong straight from the trenches.

This isn't "armchair theory". Read the article again. The reasons are solid and the end result is what it says it is.

The article isn't saying if you do your search this way you will sell a billion products. Of course if that was the claim some statistical proof would be necessary. All the article is doing is offering a simpler and cleaner approach to search. That's all.

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