This- also history thought us that shunned and silenced ideas, get a "cool" bonus with the youth, who just search for a reason to provoke the previous generation.
Its unbelievable, that the same methods that where used to "prevent" the spreading of Gangsta-culture, and horribly "failed" (because the music was good) are used to contain extreme-right ideas. As a result a whole generation of youth, will take to the alt-right as a "our-culture" movement and do the hitler-crib-walk.
If the left ever want to recover from living historys memory fading, it has not only to rethink its core concepts but also its tools. Cause there attempts at society control basically boil down to supporting the opposing sites cause.
Half, of those alt-righters you see, are basically under-class trying to distance themselves as far as possible from what is perceived as entitled culture-controll-class of university dwelling aristocrats.
In short, that is the proletariat the left was made off. The irony.
It also does not help that whenever you talk with them, this hidden enthusiasm for totalitarian systems (Putins Russia/China) flares up, where "the gloves are off" for Place-unwanted-Group-Here.
It's kinda correct though. Not all Left is such, but the problem is Left is tolerating people with such ideas as long as they are Left.
Edit: for all the downvoters, explain why Left tolerates Stalinists or USSR apologists in their ranks. Recently the Left seem to have a problem with antisemitism on some countries too.
There's enough people who pretend to be "the Left" and do support or at least enable those people. Thus "the Left" is retarded. But some sane parts are OK.
I'd prefer leftist to drop umbrealla naming and just split into factions. Pro-totalitarian/tankies, commie apologists, social democrats etc. But when I offer that, people seem to defend grandiose "the Left" :/
Maybe if you stopped antagonizing and name-calling people with left wing views, you would be met with a lot less hostility.
"There's enough people who pretend to be "the Right" and do support or at least enable [fascists and neo-nazi]. Thus "the Right" is retarded. But some sane parts are OK."
I couldn't agree more that "the Right" is retarded.
What drives me mad is both "the Right" and "the Left" is different sides of the same coin. Both has their fair share of retards and genuinely good people. Both point of views have both pros and cons.
Yet few bad apples on both sides seems to be stopping everybody else from productive discourse.
What is funny, "the Right" was getting more flack for quite a while. Thus they seem to be distancing themselves from their own retards more than "the Left". Good example could be UK. Corbyn's Labour seem to have quite a few issues with that. Meanwhile the right is nicely fragmented into more and less sane parts. Which, while causing it's own problems, does help them with their image. It looks like there's a similar pattern in many countries. IMO if "the Left" embraced it and let it's retards do their own thing, the whole society would benefit in the long run.
You're making a clear appeal to "the truth is in the middle, both sides are good/bad, only centrists have it right", which is nonsense.
Reality and objective truth leans more to the left, in comparison to the current political climate, which is unfortunately skewing to the right in a lot of countries.
Nah, I don't like ideology-less centrists either. IMO to function as a society we need to cherry-pick good ideas from left and right. Elections from both left and right (not from centrists) is a good way to find the balance good for the given moment. And it's definitely different at different points of socioeconomic cycle. E.g. economic downtown might need more right wing policies to get businesses back on track, while surplus times may be used to help the poor and cool the economy at the same time.
> Reality and objective truth leans more to the left
Now that's truly objective and unbiased! I don't see how "objective truth" is closer to the left than to the right. Both of these are subjective choices of the people. One of them is not inherently better or worse. Taken to extremes, both are full of shit.
I've to agree that today people are leaning to the left. Democracy is less and less important according to polls and people seem to prefer nanny state. Which is sad.
> which is unfortunately skewing to the right in a lot of countries
It's skewing to weird mix of worst of both left and right. E.g. socialdemocrats in many countries gave up their fight for the working class. To the point that they themselves push neoliberal pro-big-business laws. Yet right seems to be adopting more and more "socially aware" policies. Which skews the whole balance of liberty-vs-nanny-state to the later a lot. Yet nobody is taking care of labour-vs-business balance.
Its unbelievable, that the same methods that where used to "prevent" the spreading of Gangsta-culture, and horribly "failed" (because the music was good) are used to contain extreme-right ideas. As a result a whole generation of youth, will take to the alt-right as a "our-culture" movement and do the hitler-crib-walk.
If the left ever want to recover from living historys memory fading, it has not only to rethink its core concepts but also its tools. Cause there attempts at society control basically boil down to supporting the opposing sites cause.
Half, of those alt-righters you see, are basically under-class trying to distance themselves as far as possible from what is perceived as entitled culture-controll-class of university dwelling aristocrats. In short, that is the proletariat the left was made off. The irony.
It also does not help that whenever you talk with them, this hidden enthusiasm for totalitarian systems (Putins Russia/China) flares up, where "the gloves are off" for Place-unwanted-Group-Here.