I've always dreamt of a news services that serves structured and data driven news. E.g. each news report contains attributes about the number of casualties, geographical area affected, estimated economic damages, the period of time and the type of event (e.g. crime, military operation, statement, weather, natural disaster, legal, election outcome, public gathering, trend/speculation etc) and the level of reliability (verified, reported, alleged etc). The article body is secondary.
I believe something like this is valuable to insurance agencies and quite likely also hedge funds and investment banks.
You could even hand out free access to NGOs and have a super-nice landing page with a world map with circles in different colors and sizes to get an overview of what's going on.
Finally, I think I would love it, too, though I am not sure whether I'd pay for it. Also, expect to be censored, so China is probably not a market.
If you manage to do it, I think it's a valid business model.
Also, it'd be a great counter to biased media and, thereby, a service to the world.