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"A revolutionary company has to think bigger." (alleyinsider.com)
18 points by breily on April 22, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The potential of implementing a C2C and C2B transaction system over streaming video (especially live) are pretty incredible.

Concerts, sports, niche live events... Once the system is ironed out you're adding an extra revenue stream to anything you plan. Build this into a set-top box and you've got streaming video's killer app.

I have to agree. If they can solve the pay per view concept for niche live events, they'll make money. If they can make partnering with live bands, seminar presenters, etc. seamless and profitable for both parties, it could be a big market.

A deal with LiveNation alone would cover most of their expenses.

Camgirls + live streaming + chat requests + payment transaction...

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