Semantics and configurability is what what makes a language great. JS doesn’t have function environments, i.e. every unlexical lookup goes to global/window and that cannot be redirected. It doesn’t have green threads (at least). There are generators, but one cannot just yield without marking all the functions generators too (async/await in modern terms). Stack traces are lost when generators throw(). JS has no good introspection — you can do some Reflect, but cannot e.g. write a module that has a function, that when called enumerates all functions in a caller module and exports them by specific criteria. JS can’t properly substitute objects with proxies. It can catch simple existing key accesses, but can’t enumerate keys or arrays. There was handler.enumerate, but it was deprecated. Vue, which was written by no fools I think, cannot “app.array[3] = v” or “app.newkey = v”. It cannot dynamically watch an entire app too, all structure has to be defined before Vue().
Other problems exist, which are just stupid (null/undefined, in/of, ===, ;, this, etc) or minor design choices like coersion and lexical rules. But these above are stoppers for turning JS into something great. It is now a BASIC-level language with scoping and sugar. Yeah, you can write like that snippet presented in an article, but you are forever stuck with doing all things by hand, from asyncing to orm, from exporting to update scheduling. I don’t find that great in any way, especially when that is the only semantics you have in a browser.
The generators or async/await in JS are 'shallow' coroutines because you can only `yield` or `await` in the direct scope of a generator or async function, but the benefit of shallowness is that the control flow is explicit; you don't have to consider whether a function call will suspend the calling context's execution or not. I find the explicit clarity to outweigh the reduced power of shallow coroutines.
As an aside, there exist green threads in JS, namely node-fibers, although it's only a Node.js extension.
You actually can reflect on module exports and dynamically change them with node modules; you can't do it with ES modules, but that has the significant advantage of enabling static analysis.
Proxies absolutely can trap the property assignments you mentioned, but Vue can't take advantage of this because Proxy can't be polyfilled in older browsers.
As for the enumerate handler, it would only have worked with for-in loops, which are a legacy feature. The iteration protocols used by for-of are a much more flexible solution. It might seem silly to have both for-in and for-of loops, but the context of the language is that it can't just go and break older websites. Same goes for == and ===, etc. Linters come in very handy for dealing with this.
Your criticism is better than most, which usually just point out some "wat" moments with mis-features like implicit coercion, but you didn't really make a case for having to do "all things by hand" in JS.
> As an aside, there exist green threads in JS, namely node-fibers, although it's only a Node.js extension.
Aren't Web Workers real threads, and supported natively in browsers? (Haven't used them myself, maybe there's some limitation that excludes them from the criteria above...)
Thanks for node-fibers, that is something I missed and it looks promising, should try it server-side at least. But I'm not sure what you mean by "reflect on module exports", since there seems to be no way to enumerate all functions (in node), except those exported by hand. I workarounded it via "autoexport(module, x => eval(x))" and "// @export" tags, but it feels dirty.
I also bet that I couldn't make 'in' work for proxy with empty abstract target, but maybe it's just me. Btw, 'in' and 'of' are two separate iterators, one iterates array elems and the other iterates object's keys -- something essential to metaprogramming. My whole point on in/enumerate is that it considered legacy by someone special.
And on Vue: I didn't know that, but if Vue can't take advantage of Proxy, can I?
eval() has no legit use case in JS, and I really don't understand what the point of "// @export" would be. You can't reflect on module or function scopes, but that's a feature and gives you encapsulation.
for-in is a legacy feature; due to dynamic inheritance, it's generally not safe to use without also calling Object#hasOwnProperty() every iteration. for-of is not for "array elems", it uses the iteration protocols that are implemented for all built-in collection types, not just Array, and some DOM types, and can be implemented for any user types. Protocols are a much more flexible and clean approach to metaprogramming than overloading the for-in looping construct would be.
You can't use Proxy if you need to target legacy browsers like IE9, and Vue needs to, since it's about 15% of all browsers.
> You actually can reflect on module exports and dynamically change them with node modules; you can't do it with ES modules, but that has the significant advantage of enabling static analysis.
And yet even that advantage got thrown out from the language with the introduction of "import()". Apparently static analysis is a non-goal (see discussion in [1]).
I think that much of these criticism relate to the implementation, and the runtime (i.e. browser) rather than the language itself. As a scripting language for a browser environment it's pretty good. Modern variants have lots of lovely language features and tools like babel mean you can use a lot of these new features without sacrificing backward compatibility.
The threadless/nonblocking model is "interesting" but in my opinion its wholly suitable for user-oriented scripting as it forces a style of development that doesn't block.
The null/undefined thing actually makes sense to me. The concept of "Null" is a swirling vortex of uncertainty in most languages and it's nice to see it get some more nuanced treatment.
There's something about the bloody-minded pragmatism of javascript that appeals too ... it's very much a language that has evolved from the bottom up based on need, and much of it is very much community driven. You see problems solved in interesting and unusual ways that you mightn't see in a more stringently stewarded language.
I wouldn't use it for everything. I wouldn't prescribe it for beginners to programming either. But it's great for what it does. I like lots of other languages too, but I respect their applicable limitations. It's a nice language.
There are a lot of valid criticisms against JavaScript. This is a fact. It's not a great language (clearly demonstrated by the discussion about it being good or not) but it's not terrible. I doubt anyone calls JS terrible on its own merits. There is a lot of hate against the runtime (edit: I mean the browser, not JS VMs or interpreters). The runtime enforces JS and the runtime itself is enforced everywhere. There is also this new flow of very inexperienced developers who seem to think JS (and perhaps Ruby) is the only language. This is very similar to the hate PHP got. Pragmatic choices vs experienced having their "I told you so" moment when they see "sql_srsly_escape_string_this_time(...".
All this makes a lot of people react emotionally and makes talking about JS itself (like many other mass-adopted technology) very hard.
Is JS nice? Yeah, as my personal opinion - but we can all say that it is good enough, evidenced by the ecosystem and the things people create with it.
> It's not a great language (clearly demonstrated by the discussion about it being good or not) but it's not terrible
I'm wondering what would be an example of a great language? Because we know that there are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses
I like to think of Haskell as a great language. It still has its warts (e.g. last [0,1/3..2] > 2), but if you wan't wart free, there's probably nothing beyond lambda calculus.
Being the closest thing to lambda calculus with enough syntactic sugar on top to make it practical is a large part of what makes Haskell great.
The one thing that makes Haskell not great is that its understanding is not widely intuitive.
People with mathy backgrounds that don't blink at the phrase "lambda calculus" won't consider this, but a lot of people struggle with math.
If you can't put it in the hands of a 6th grader (in the public school system with no special tutoring) and have a reasonable chance of it being understood (n.b. I self-taught myself early JavaScript when I was in the 5th grade, and picked up PHP the following year), it won't ever be "great".
This is the one criticism of Haskell that in my opinion has no merit. Programming languages are not intuitive. They are a learned skill. You know the saying (sometimes said as a joke) "such-and-such language failed because it didn't have C-like syntax" -- but C-like syntax is NOT intuitive! Reading C code is a learned skill.
Maybe it could be amended to "since many programmers learned to program using languages with a syntax inspired by C, wildly different syntaxes learned at a later stage are more difficult to them", which is a more reasonable proposition. This could be fixed by teaching programmers other languages early on.
Haskell is no more or less intuitive than JavaScript. It's just different.
> Programming languages are not intuitive. They are a learned skill.
I can teach someone Python or JavaScript in a few weeks, at a casual pace, where they can accept input from STDIN or a file, do some calculations, and produce output to STDOUT or another file.
Haskell? I'd need a dedicated fucking thesaurus on-hand for them to grok the paradigm, and it would take a few months before they could achieve the same result.
I have another point here:
If the only languages that are considered great are the ones that make people feel smarter than everyone else for being able to understand, we don't need great languages.
Most of us need easy, practical languages that help us solve problems and don't get in our way. (Most of achieving this property comes down to ecosystem rather than language design.)
> Haskell? I'd need a dedicated fucking thesaurus on-hand for them to grok the paradigm, and it would take a few months before they could achieve the same result.
This is one of those assertions people should have to demonstrate with actual experiments.
I can teach someone how to write buggy, unmaintainable code that seems to work but actually doesn't in Python and JavaScript. So? :)
My point here is that, while working with a "great" and/or "better-designed" programming language can be beneficial, it's the ecosystem that really counts.
No need for sarcasm and my argument wasn't that there aren't bugs in programs written in Haskell.
My argument is that people who claim "writing Python is easier" usually ignore that it's writing buggy/throwaway code in Python that is actually easier (aka "look, I can write bugs fast"). Writing large, maintainable and bug-free code in Python is not easier than in other languages -- it's arguably harder, but since that's debatable, I won't argue it here.
Even a "perfect" language is faulty if the barriers between its current state and mass adoption are insurmountable.
Completely reform education in this country to make purer languages like Haskell more palatable for younger generations than, say, PHP, and I'll totally be wrong in 50 or so years.
And I'm arguing that the average newcomer (if we need a specific definition of average, how about chosen at random among low-income American sixth graders far removed from big cities like San Fransisco or New York?) would have an easier time understanding Python to the level of being capable of basic file/network I/O than they would with Haskell, because Python will be more immediately familiar to them because they don't need to even know what a thrice-damned monad is.
I understand that's what you're saying, and I'm saying you're wrong because:
- Beyond toy examples, writing Python isn't easier. Writing reliable, easy to maintain, bug-free Python programs is just as difficult, and your average person won't be able to do it right off the bat.
- You don't need to really know what a monad is in order to write Haskell as a beginner; that's a red herring.
If you want to argue that it's easier to write toy examples in Python, without regard for good programming practices, then... it'd still be debatable: if I remember correctly, some years ago there was a post here about someone teaching Haskell to highschoolers, to great success. They found it fun and easy.
That's a fallacy. Just because something is harder to operate doesn't mean it can't be better. Example f1 cars vs normal cars, two propeller ships vs single propeller ones.
There is no language that is innately understood. All computer languages are learned, so when they describe "intuitive" I don't think this is what is meant. However, a large portion of early programming education does take place amongst C-style curly-brackets.
It's this learned setting for our precepts that makes other languages intuitive or not. If we were all learning fortran or pascal in college it might be different, but we're not.
That said, having C-style syntax is clearly not a pre-requisite for the success of a language as is attested by the success of Python, Ruby, various flavours of BASIC and other less loved languages like COBOL ...
But "intuitive" is very important for getting traction. Once you can "intuitively" model a problem in a language such that somebody familiar with the problem can understand what's going on, then that's intuitive. I'm talking about a different kind of intuitive here.
Most people engage with computers on imperative terms, i.e. they want to tell it to do things. Imperative languages are "intuitive" because they allow you to map out a list of instructions in order.
So for instance, when you're writing a program to make a cup of tea you issue those steps one by one. You don't want to have refine the model into a functional space, do a handstand and flip the bag into a mug with your little toe while inducing a small raincloud and microwaving the drops on the way down.
Similarly true object oriented langauges (I'm not talking about C or Java here, where classes are glorified structs) model how we think of information in terms of object-relations.
Functional languages to me as an experienced programmer are "intuitive", but even I sometimes flinch when I'm exposed to a stack of lisp ellipses ...
I think you're under-stating some things. Imperative programming languages are hard beyond their initial appeal at the "this is like a recipe" level. It's debatable how people best engage with computers. There are plenty of anecdotes, if you look for them, of people failing to understand that the assignment operator in imperative languages means "place this value in this box" instead of "this means that". It's just that you (and me) are used to this learned mode of understanding.
Modern programs seldom look like a list of imperative actions anyway, beyond toy examples. They look weird and unintuitive. If you can make the leap to "this is what an actual imperative program looks like nowadays", you can make a leap to declarative/functional programs just as well. Doubly so if you don't have to unlearn years of conditioning about how programs are supposed to look :)
It currently is a self-inflicted hurdle. I don't pretend this problem doesn't exist. One way to fix it would be to start teaching programming in a different way, and with different languages.
> There are plenty of anecdotes, if you look for them, of people failing to understand that the assignment operator in imperative languages means "place this value in this box" instead of "this means that".
Are there anecdotes of non-absolute-beginners failing to understand that? For first-year students, sure. Do working software engineers have trouble with it? Do they have bugs and/or lower productivity because of it?
> If you can make the leap to "this is what an actual imperative program looks like nowadays", you can make a leap to declarative/functional programs just as well.
My own suspicion (completely unsupported by data) is that some peoples' brains find imperative languages to be more the way they think, and some find functional languages to fit their way of thinking better. You could run an experiment to test that - you'd take a group (call it A) of functional programmers, and a group B of imperative programmers, and measure their productivity. You'd then split the groups in half. A1 stays functional; A2 starts programming in imperative languages. B1 stays imperative; B2 goes to functional. Two years later, you measure everybody's productivity again. What I expect you'd find is that some of the people who switched (either way) increased productivity, and some declined.
What you might find is that everybody who switched from functional to imperative was less productive, but that might be because the (somewhat rare) people who are already functional programmers are almost exclusively the ones whose minds work better that way. You could fix that by starting with students or with fresh graduates, and arbitrarily assigning them to group A or group B. Then you'd have to wait a couple of years to measure their productivity the first time.
The difficulty, of course, is figuring out a way to at least somewhat objectively measure their productivity...
> Are there anecdotes of non-absolute-beginners failing to understand that? For first-year students, sure. Do working software engineers have trouble with it?
Sorry, I was unclear: I was talking about beginners. My argument was about intuitivity and "it's easier/harder to learn programming this way". Software engineers are already down the road of "I'm used to this, therefore this is the best way" :P
If I understand you correctly, what you say is entirely possible: that some people think best one way or the other, and that there is no universal paradigm that is more intuitive.
So a language is more intuitive if it's similar to what we already know, and we already know math, and therefore "=" for assignment is not intuitive? OK, for first learning a language, I can buy that.
I don't recall ever having trouble with that myself, but that's anecdote, not data...
To be fair, I never had trouble with that either. It was just an example of something I've occasionally read about some people approaching programming languages for the first time.
> Programming languages are not intuitive. They are a learned skill.
> C-like syntax is NOT intuitive! Reading C code is a learned skill.
Also true.
> Haskell is no more or less intuitive than JavaScript.
This does not follow. I have to learn the syntax of any language, true. But that doesn't mean that all languages are equally easy/hard to learn. I learned C by reading K&R over Thanksgiving weekend while in college. I understood everything except argc and argv, even though I didn't have a compiler to experiment with. I had to learn, true; I wasn't born knowing it. But I found it to be pretty intuitive to learn.
I doubt I could have understood Haskell from reading a book over a four-day weekend, without being able to experiment, no matter how good the book.
And, sure, there could be someone out there to whom Haskell syntax is intuitively obvious, and they look at C and wonder what all the crazy symbols mean. But I suspect (but cannot prove) that such people are less common than those who find C more intuitive.
TL;DR: No language is innately known. But some can still be more intuitive (for most people) than others.
Note well: I do not take any position on JS vs. Haskell as far as how intuitive they are.
I don't think the relative intuitiveness of Haskell vs JavaScript is a settled matter. I'm arguing one or the other may seem more intuitive because of past familiarity with similar languages/paradigms.
For example, some people -- though not in this thread, thankfully -- make much about Haskell's allegedly weird syntax and/or operators. Never mind that its syntax is not particularly large, but also there's nothing immediately intuitive about a lot of C code in comparison. What's with all those "{}" and ";" and "*" and "&"? Parsing operators, especially with parens and pointer dereferencing involved, can be difficult, even without deep nesting, and even experienced coders occasionally trip over some production C code. Yet no-one uses this as an argument for C being "too difficult" or "too unintuitive". I argue this is because C was a language they learned long ago, and it has colored their perception of what is familiar or "easy" about programming languages.
Here's a thing about mathy languages too ... I've done a bit of lisp so I'd like to think I kind of get it ... but aren't computers by their very nature "imperative"? i.e. such that C or Pascal perhaps map more naturally to the underlying system? Can these mathy languages (oriented around our rationalist perspective of the world) truly ever be sympathetic to the hardware?
What I mean is, nice as these are ... is there always going to be a bit of waste when you use them?
Depends on how you define "great". Haskell intentionally keeps itself off the mainstream. That has always been a deliberate choice. There are now already plenty of more practical functional languages, e.g. OCaml, F#, Julia, Elixir, Clojure, which are in part driven by the advancement in research brought about by Haskell, so it has been fulfilling its duty in that way.
I love functional programming, but nobody use Haskell. Clojure, yeah.
Guy next to me at work was trying to build a web app with haskell for a hackathon, and I was blown away by how little the community had to offer for basic things he couldn't get working.
So yeah, languages people complain about, and ones nobody uses.
Haskell was the first thing that came to mind. I can show with one hand, by joining my pointer-finger and thumb, the number of people I know that use it.
It looks lovely, and it's something I'd very much like to learn some day but I can't for the life of me think of what I would use it for. Are there any killer apps out there for it?
My two cents is that I currently find Elixir and Julia to combine productivity and all the goodness from functional programming really well. Not sure what sort of backlash they'll get if they go more mainstream in the future (which I believe they will). I don't think it's totally hype since I also tried my hands on Rust a lot but I really struggled and eventually disliked it a lot. I couldn't seem to implement any complex structure without resorting to unsafe code. Maybe I'm just a shit low-level programmer in terms of thinking about ownership though.
Complex data structures often need unsafe; writing them isn’t a good way to learn Rust. Most already have implementations you can just use, so it’s not something most rust programmers do often.
My response to this is usually that Ruby is a great language because it's easy to get useful work done with a large, meaningful subset of the language. You can ignore the warts just by not using them. You can't do that in JS, because the warts are so fundamental. (yes, you can be tripped up by library authors in Ruby, but there's community backpressure against providing footguns).
I don't agree. The ruby community had a recent love affair with dsl. Taking a peak at rspec library source made my eyes bleed. There's also a huge preference for "magic" even outside of rails, so much that when you want to augment or add functionality you're supposed to monkey patch. There's also a huge preference for "clean" syntax when it doesn't necessarily improve maintainability--it just makes the number of odd syntax rules you have to learn and internalize more convoluted. Also I feel as though the reason there's so much preference for tests and strict rubocop is exactly because there are too many footguns baked into the language.
That's not to say other dynamically typed languages (including js) or even statically typed languages are all that much better. But I would say ruby is really showing its age with the number of warts and hacks that have accumulated.
FYI, there is a significant contingent of the Ruby community that doesn’t use rspec (for exactly the reasons you mention). Heck, the test suites for Rails and Ruby itself use minitest, not rspec. It’s hard to notice this, though, because the rspec people have a vastly larger written output.
It sounds like most of your criticisms are criticisms of dynamic languages. Ruby gives you a million and one footguns, but they are beautiful and elegant footguns.
The difference between the hostility to php and the hostility to js is that there are many alternatives to php whereas, right now, if you want code to execute in the browser or on many different platforms, you don't have a choice. So where I would normally tell people who boo php to use whatever language they prefer, and get over it, that's not possible with js.
While technically true, don't you still have to debug and diagnose issues from the generated JavaScript? I'd love to write front-end code in anything else, but if I have to know exactly how it gets converted to JavaScript it kind of defeats the point.
Elm stands out in this regard, as it gives fairly robust guarantees of no runtime errors, so the debugging you'll do when working with Elm will almost always be limited to its compiler or Elm Debugger. The price to pay for this is limited interoperability with JS, but it may be acceptable to trade interop for type safety, depending on the use case.
Generally, the alt-js languages provide 'source maps' so that developer tools know to map errors in the 'transpiled' code to their source, and it's possible to avoid JS to a practical degree.
Compile-to-JS exists, and there are good ones out there. E.g. you can develop in Dart for web, server and mobile, and it is a solid alternative in every segment (the language and tooling is anyway).
No alternatives to JS browser runtimes & environments maybe but you can use one of many transpile-to-JS languages and you shield yourself from most of JS badness.
Not sure many people would think that "Ruby is the only language", and not sure what's your point there. From my impression, if somebody can decently do backend work with Ruby, then they're probably a better programmer than some JS-only newcomer. Is Ruby already becoming the new PHP? Don't think it's time yet, and Ruby despite its many drawbacks is still generally much better. Not to mention Node seems to be all the rage in recent years and Ruby isn't even that "popular" anymore. Though indeed I personally always had doubts about Ruby. I haven't touched Ruby ever since I started programming projects in Elixir, which I like much more.
All but maybe a few small % of the TIOBE index would fail all or some of those requirements... So while the enthusiast side of me heartily agrees with you, the professional programmer side of me has seen plenty of good code despite a lack of those features. Just because I know that better language features exist doesn't condemn every language lacking them as unusable.
Are you aware of ES6 Proxy? I may be mistaken, but almost every example of an issue that you have with the language seems to be resolvable using Proxy objects.
Yes, and “handler.enumerate” deprecation is stated in this mdn link. I thoroughly checked every described [un]feature in my recent research. There is some space for error ofc, but I’m aware of most obvious things. Again, simple get/set of existing or known keys is easy, but try to proxy an arbitrary object, array or class instance and see how it falls apart. This is almost a rule in JS: every feature is somewhat mentioned in docs, in the web, in excited conversations, but in fact it is shallow workaround that cracks under moderate pressure. So, please Vue.set(app.array, 3, v) and forget about abstracting vue away from your logic. I suspect that this is a consequence of commumity-driven design.
>almost every example of an issue that you have with the language seems to be resolvable using Proxy objects.
I don’t think that light threading, introspection, scoping, etc is resolvable with proxy objects. If it is, it would be nice to know how.
We use proxies to watch models in our in-house MVC framework[1] and all those use cases are covered. You can watch setting array items with indexes, nested objects etc. It did take some jumping through hoops because the model also has to extend EventTarget which didn't like proxies. And we had to keep track of nested objects without creating new proxies on every call, but it's still not a rocket science.
V8 (and probably others) now has some special cases for async functions (and generators, I think, but those are much more rare) to show useful stack traces with the lineage of async calls. For example, this code shows the stack trace you'd expect when run in latest Chrome or Node.js.
async function c() { throw new Error('Some error'); }
async function b() { await c(); }
async function a() { await b(); }
Yeah, V8 in particular has possibly the best debugger tool available in any language ever; an easy to use UI, but still absolutely chock full of just about every useful feature you could imagine.
Yes, this same lack of imagination is why kludge after kludge is piled on at so many software shops. That and an absolute dearth of people that actually take pride in their work.
If we’re talking about “dynamic CRUD over socket abstracted to death”-style tasks, and not considering minor preferences like syntax, then python, lua, most of lisp/schemes, perl. All of these allow enough meta-anything to do:
func api_foo()
for x in objs
x.a = fetch(x.b)
ui.btnok.enabled = yes
And have foo exported as api, and when called, all clients/servers, databases synced, validations passed, schemas updated, triggers and reactions done, errors handled, developer errors reported.
I think python is a terrible language. It has so little syntax you can't tell the difference between various things. A variable declaration, a reassignment, a keyword, a whatever else, they don't have any visual distinction from each other.
I also find that python has reserved a whole bunch of keywords that I can't use as function names, making APIs hard to create with appropriate names. You also have to pollute your code with self everywhere.
It is also really slow, has no where near the number of libraries on github as javascript, is not a client-side language, doesn't have anything like babel, which can allow you to do a lot more than reflection/introspection (but not the same things exactly), etc.
> I also find that python has reserved a whole bunch of keywords that I can't use as function names, making APIs hard to create with appropriate names.
Python is one of the imperative languages with fewer number keywords in existence. Compare for example the number of keywords in Python[1] with Javascript[2].
Maybe you're confusing the built-in functions in Python language, like len() or str(), however since they're functions you can reassign them (not a good idea, however in a limited scope it works).
> It has so little syntax you can't tell the difference between various things. A variable declaration, a reassignment, a keyword, a whatever else, they don't have any visual distinction from each other.
The fact that you don't know the difference between keywords and built-in functions makes your argument weak. But I will bite, if you're having difficult to make the distinction between a keyword and a variable you probably have a very bad editor. Syntax highlighting helps a lot here (like in almost every other language).
> You also have to pollute your code with self everywhere.
I really like the fact that self is explicit in Python. It makes OO patterns more explicit (there is no magic variable like self or this, just a parameter that is passed as the first argument in any Class method) and it helps making a distinction between attributes and local variables. Really, I would go even further and make super() a method from Object, so instead of calling a magic method super() I would call:
class Test:
def __init__(self):
Ugly? Maybe, however it is so much easier to understand what is happening.
> has no where near the number of libraries on github as javascript
Most JavaScript libraries in GitHub are pure toys/garbage, though. Python has a number of useful libraries and if you don't concur with me, please give examples of areas where Python is lacking a good library (I can easily give an example for JavaScript: ML and scientifc computing).
1) In scientific/ML CPython libraries, most critical parts are compiled anyway, and the core language is fast and expressive enough to provide a nice and fast interface to it; so your statement makes little sense without more context
While I use Python for ML myself, I find it weird to say that a language isn't slow because you don't really use it anyway. It's true that Scripts in Python can be fast if 99% of the executed logic is in C anyway but that doesn't mean the language isn't slow. As soon as your Python script needs to do anything not available in a library you'll notice how slow it really is.
Python is really neat to quickly experiment platform independent but it's definitely extremely slow.
As parent mentioned, python!=cpython. You've got pypy, cython, typed cython, nuitka, and probably some others I forgot about. Without knowing what you're trying to achieve and what you've tried, "extremely slow" is pretty hard to accept.
Cython is a subset of Python, while PyPy has shitty C interop if nothing changed from the last time that I checked.
Ergo in a general sense Python = CPython.
If you have specific needs you may want to consider the alternatives, but saying that Cython is Python is at least shady if not completely deceptive.
That python is slow is utterly irrelevant. You would never deploy an unoptimized Python codebase into production if you cared about performance. You would profile the code and optimize the hot paths with the appropriate technology, be it numba-jit, cython, numpy, cffi, or any of the other many ways you can easily optimize Python
I wouldn't but I've seen a lot of people who will. If you have code that runs, why spend extra money to optimise it? Hardware is cheap and the cloud allow to scale as much as you want (not my opinion obviously but I've heard that more than once and I'm not even directly involved in these kind of decisions).
Python environments and versioning are a PITA too. That's my main beef with it. Getting anyone else's Python code to run is a nightmare if they haven't documented everything; most other languages I use feel like they have some sort of default versioning built in when you start including other packages.
The difference between 'npm install' (and even an added 'gulp') and the chickens I've had to sacrifice at crossroads to get Python packages working is notable.
It's funny you should say the same issues aren't as bad with Node and NPM. Node's versioning is a sliding window. I tried compiling Bootstrap recently and it simply wouldn't compile because there was some dependency error that didn't make sense. Apparently Node breaks things too frequently and you can't `npm install` anything if it's half a year behind the newest version. I've never had that problem with Python.
'Node breaks things too frequently' - Python 2.7 -> 3.0.
Yes, you need to get the right version of Node, just like you need the right version of Python. I've had both largely just work with directions of "Version Y.X", where Y is defined. I've also had the occasion where it still broke with a specific version where both Y and X were defined.
In general, if I have the right version of Node (and I agree, I'd prefer package.json to also indicate the version of Node that was used to initialize it), things work when installing from package.json. Things also generally just work with Python if I have the right major version of Python, and an environment file. My issue is more that the 'simple' steps a lot of people do when creating Python projects -don't- use an environment. They just use whatever is installed globally on their computer, and they pip install any dependencies, then write a readme to pip install things with, rather than lock it down with a virtual environment.
And if every Python developer, researcher using Python, etc, did that, it would be much less of a problem. The reality is, many, many don't.
It's kind of ironic, really. With the Zen of Python stating "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it" why is it that it's so common for people to not do the thing that makes it reasonably portable?
I mean, I currently am working with some code that, as part of its readme, has a pip install of a lib -off of master-, and yes, obviously that caused problems. Is the author not a Python developer? Well, he's a researcher. Why is the obvious thing for someone coming naively to develop in the language not building a portable environment?
> Is the author not a Python developer? Well, he's a researcher.
I think this is why the situation is bad in Python: we have too many non-programmers in the community, that simply want something to work and get on with theirs life. If they can get by it by installing a bunch of libraries by running some command incantations as root, they're happy enough.
You don't have this problem with Node because the only niche that Node really matters is Web, and WEB DEVELOPERS know that their environment should be reproducible.
*: Even in Node this isn't really true, since we have yarn vs npm. Ruby is way more stable thanks to bundler.
> we have too many non-programmers in the community, that simply want something to work and get on with theirs life
The impact of those people in the ecosystem is zero, though. They don't inconvenience anyone by producing badly-written libraries, they literally do their job, produce what they want to produce and everyone is happy. I'm not sure why they get lumped in with "this problem".
I don't know why I hear this a lot, it certainly doesn't echo my experience. I've rarely had dependency problems, even the regular requirements.txt (without pinning to specific versions) tends to work well enough on reasonably current code. Pipenv pretty much solves the problem by introducing a lockfile.
My main problem with Python: passing a temporary closure to a function is very messy. You can't do functional programming well in Python.
Also, I think scoping rules in Python are terrible. I always end up with a namespace that is a mess. And you can't do something like this in a clean way:
Python syntax is built around indentation. Try to properly indent a function that you pass to another function. And what if you have to pass two such functions? Where do you place the comma that separates both arguments?
You can't define a function via 'def' and pass it as an argument at the same time. You can do it via 'lambda' though (which doesn't require any indentation since it's just an expression), what's the problem with it?
So the problem is that you can only inline expressions; you can't inline let-blocks (assignments), or multiple statements. The usefulness is very limited.
Here's a challenge: try inlining the foo and bar in the call (because this is how functions are typically composed in functional programming)
You could do this with a lambda construct in Python; but this only works if the function has a single expression-statement; it doesn't work e.g. when you have a bunch of assignments inside the function you are inlining.
Nothing is stopping you from generating JavaScript code to do what you want. You don't need reflection to do that.
I'd hate to see Python become as popular as JavaScript and to have it be used as the defacto standard in browsers because honestly, it's nowhere near as enjoyable to use as JS.
No, Python is much more enjoyable than JS (see what happens when you turn subjective statements into objective ones?).
It feels to me like JS is more for people who want to write "clever" code and Python is for people who want to write boring, more maintainable code. It doesn't help that JS has a gentler learning curve and attracts more people who just want to get things done without thinking whether those things should be done that way.
JavaScript is more enjoyable than Python to me. You can’t really say no to that.
IMO JavaScript is for people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently and have their program work everywhere. Python is for people who like to think they are doing things “the right way” as if there were such a thing.
The criteria for this list of languages seems to have been "isn't JS". The story for metaprogramming in JS certainly is limited in some aspects; for example, there's no operator overloading and JS isn't homoiconic like lisps, but between dynamic inheritance in older JS and the newer additions like proxies, symbols, accessors, reflection API, protocols and being able to extend the 'exotic' behavior of arrays, JS can probably still do whatever the snippet you posted is supposed to illustrate.
As a concrete example, here's a library I made that relies on symbols and dynamic inheritance to extend the built-in data types:
I tried to include all my rant points into this example. E.g. what if fetch() doesn't go async? Then we don't have to mark it like that and don't have to await. Where ui and commit lives? There should be a unique environment for this specific api call or a whole subsystem. objs is something both enumerable and proxied, etc. It can be done in JS, but IRL it will be:
function foo(ctx) { // @export
for (let x of ctx.objs.iterate()) {
x.a = await fetch(ctx, x.b);
ctx.ui.btnok.enabled = true;
autoexport(module, x => eval(x));
And more boilerplate, ceremony and fud down the way, if you go vanilla.
(Thank you and all commenters here for sharing your code and experience. In particular, symbol-land looks very interesting and haskell-y.)
Having to explicitly mark where the control flow goes to the event loop with `await` is a very small price to pay for making the code much more clear. This is why I don't recommend node-fibers or deep coroutines in general.
Destructuring would make your example look better:
foo({ui, commit, objs}), and then there's no need for typing out ctx. Another thing that's not needed with for-of loops is .iterate().
Using eval() is a very strong anti-pattern, and it's not needed there anyway. JS has the `with` statement that allows running code with a specific context, but its use is discouraged as it's really bad for readability and hard to optimize.
I used eval as a workaround; autoexport does fs.readFile() on module’s filename and adds all lines marked with @export comment to exports. Eval is the only way to get a function value from other module, since functions are local to the context that is implicit and only accessible through eval-ing closure. That’s my code and my company, so I don’t push it to anyone now or in the future. I know how important antipatterns are in general.
Destructuring looks good here, you’re right. Actually, this thread somewhat relaxed my js hostility and I see it as an alternative that has reasonable tradeoffs (but still not as a friend though).
I have trouble picturing what advantage that setup would give over using ESM or node modules.
The Function constructor is a better alternative for eval(), but still only as a last resort. eval() itself has no use cases.
I find that most JS criticism is ill-informed, because people are too quick to jump to blaming the language due to its reputation. Not that I'd call JS a great language, but it has redeeming aspects.
This is a lot of lines for not saying much. I was expecting much more from a "world-class software developer"(see About section) :)
Saying that the community is more advanced in the JavaScript ecosystem than it is in the iOS world is a nonsense to me. Don't we have more JS developers than iOS developers ?
Moreover, saying that JS syntax is really good with tools like TypeScript is another nonsense. You can also write Swift code and use another transpiler to get JavaScript code from it and you would say that JS is great.
Last but not least, giving a state of the art of JS without event talking about tools like npm, babel or webpack is like scratching only the surface of the subject.
I mean come on, JS is not only about == and === in 2018
Oh, come on. So the guy uses some harmless exaggeration when selling himself on his own personal website & you're taking him to programmer jail over it?
Do you frequently launch into personal attacks on authors whose articles you disagree with?
If a medical doctors classifies himself as world class and then posts articles about medical matters, then my expectation would be his world class-ness is evident.
This guy's not writing an opinion piece about which brand ketchup tastes best. He has published an opinion piece in which he speaks authoritatively about matters related to the domain he claims he's a world expert in.
As for the harmless exaggeration, it's not harmless. It's poison to my chosen profession.
> As for the harmless exaggeration, it's not harmless. It's poison to my chosen profession.
Now you seem to be the one exaggerating there. While yes I agree that is a crappy way of describing himself, there is no reason to start being so mean about it.
It's typically used in sports and means an athlete or team has won championships in an international league, or a person is an Olympic athlete.
Coding is less explicitly competitive, but there is an element of competition to it. If you were a major contributor to a project that had displaced multiple international competitors, that'd clearly be world class. For example, Linus is a "world-class" coder because Linux is used all over the world and has displaced many operating systems.
No but on HN you should expect that criticism in that direction is valid. You can be world-class in certain niches but I doubt that calling oneself a world-class developer holds in the context of parts of the audience here.
It's ok to sell oneself but I'd be careful with exaggerations in a field with probably >1 million professionals.
If the author is joking about being world class, that would be kind of odd. So is saying you're world class at something in general (unless you're the tiger woods of that something and can demonstrate/back it up).
I have found it is commonly a trend with frontend/javascript/rails devs to be senior/lead/etc after a few years of experience. I think there's a variety of reasons for this, but going back to the author he probably is very adept at his given field. But to brand yourself as world class seems a bit much.
Personal attack? Nope. But if I saw that line before interviewing a candidate - I'd definitely probe them about it
Regardless of whether tech or not, any opinion piece is framed within the context of the author of the piece.
I personally blame Jeff Atwood who pretty much green lit a lot of developers to consider themselves "elite" just because they were reading a blog about programming.
That attitude is something I'd love to see stamped out.
Ash is a pretty well known developer in the iOS world. He contributes to a lot of well used open source projects and what Artsy is doing (open source by default) isn't something I would describe as "quite ordinary" even if what they're working on is.
I don't know if those credentials are enough to be described as world class, but I would bet it's a bit tongue in cheek anyway.
It could mean that they see themselves as competing in a global marketplace. That they don't rely on geography and are quite happy to be ranked against the best of them. Not necessarily ranked highly but content to compete based on productivity and quality of work alone.
I can't be absolutely sure what you mean by this comment, but it feels like a needlessly personal attack.
FWIW, I don't really approve of the self-description of "world class software developer", either because (i) I'm not really sure what it means, but (ii) it sounds a bit pretentious. Still, it doesn't really relate to the quality or validity (or otherwise) of the post.
Its no more a personal attack that your comment, "it sounds a bit pretentious" since that's all my comment means.
Leica manufacture cameras made of brass and, like apple, are more "experience-oriented". I can appreciate putting a picture of yourself on your blog, but taking a photograph of yourself holding a camera which obscures everything but a brand name... that's equally suggestive of "a bit pretentious".
I've worked with him five or six years ago and he was very productive and smart even then. People on HN need to relax and dial down the harshness of their criticism.
Not really if you work as a contractor or freelancer. In those cases you have to shout to the world that you are world class developer. Recruiters or Managers love terms like world-class, ninja, rockstar etc. Its unfortunate state of our industry.
This is unfortunately true in life in general. Many people of decision making power are attracted to self promoters. So if you really want more opportunities and more upward growth, you'll get what you want faster by peacocking.
Any time I see ninja or jedi in a job ad I avoid it. Rockstar is borderline because Joel coined the term as far as I am aware and actually has some decent stuff to say about software.
Well, I just looked through some of his commits on some of the repos. Not pretty good. Productive maybe but definitely not good. Commit messages are quite lacking he's hard coding user display strings.
Without spending more time or having some domain knowledge of his problem, I can't really comment on the architecture setup/choices.
> You can also write Swift code and use another transpiler to get JavaScript code from it and you would say that JS is great.
I haven't read the article yet, but what you're saying is something completely different, in my opinion. If you write Swift you're writing a completely different language, with all the hassles usually introduced when transpiling. TypeScript, however, is just Javascript with some of the assumptions made explicit and a transpiler that actually checks whether you're violating those assumptions. In that sense, it's not much different from a linter - another tool that makes Javascript more pleasant to write.
In the end, you have to transpile your code to JavaScript. Whether you are writing TypeScript or Swift code.
But I agree, Typescript has more similarities with JS than Swift does.
That is true, but there are a lot of risks associated with transpiling completely different languages that are not there when using TypeScript. For example, if TypeScript ever goes away, you simply transpile it to Javascript once (i.e. strip away the explicit type annotations) and continue to work on the resulting Javascript - in a different language, that would be a complete mess. Furthermore, TypeScript integrates really neatly with the rest of the Javascript ecosystem (because it's just Javascript), saving you a lot of hassle and lock-in.
Reducing all that to "but it has to be transpiled to Javascript" is a simplification that doesn't help in highlighting potential concerns associated with transpilation, in my opinion.
I totally agree with you.
My point here was just to prove that you cannot sell the beauty of JavaScript syntax by saying that you have to use TypeScript :)
Haha, that's true, though I guess in the context of this article that's mostly semantics, since it says that tooling (like TypeScript) is part of what makes "Javascript" great :)
To me JavaScript is very similar to VBA. Based on its own merits it’s a pretty average language with lots of design flaws. But it has a monopoly for what it does (browser/cross platform vs ms office scripting) and most of its users never really got a chance to solve the same problems with a better language. And like VBA, it is probably the only language known to the bulk of it user base (semi-amateur web designers vs ms office business users).
I care less about the performance benefits of web assembly than the fact that it will open browser/cross platform scripting to other languages and I’d be curious to find out if we are still talking about JavaScript in 10 years.
Atwood's Law: any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript. (2007)
I personally find all programming languages limiting in one or another way and I use almost daily C#, Python and JS (sometimes I use other programming languages as well).
That's life, some languages are better at different things; expecting any language to be all things to all problems is what eventually leaves you feeling like it's all hopeless I expect.
bash is good, for chaining small utilities together.
python is good, for single-threaded problems which don't hurt performance
go is good, if you don't want to manage memory and need easy concurrency, strong typing/etc
rust is good if you want to prevent having a footgun and low level access.
C++ is good for giving you complete control over hardware.
R is good for data science (although is being supplanted, many say, by python).
Javascript doesn't have to be the "best" if it's not competing at all things, unfortunately, as Jobs famously said: "The future is web applications" and now javascript (which, if we remember is from a spec written by 5 guys in 2 weeks) has to fit all use-cases... it's a tall order for any language.
That’s appropriate: it is also the case that any application that can be written as an Excel spreadsheet will be (and has probably already been) written as an Excel spreadsheet.
The crucial difference with VBA is its openness and community-driven evolution. VBA is stewarded and designed almost entirely by Microsoft whereas there are many many stakeholders involved in Javascript, and it's certified by an independent body and has lots of different variants that complement each other. Also it has many "cousins" such as actionscript or swift which you can get up to speed quite quickly in once you know JS. I don't believe VBA has the same degree of transferable skills.
Exactly that. I recently started programming JS again after not using it for a while and was surprised about some of the new language features. It certainly develops in the right direction, IMO.
VBA, on the other hand, hasn't really changed at all over the past decades. It's still as annoying as it can be with no help from the IDE. That's helpful as scripts from Office XP usually run with only minor edits but it also means that flaws annoying a decade ago are now much more severe. Luckily, we'll get JS on Office, although it'll probably take another decade until a reasonable share of companies have upgraded to a version that supports it.
>Based on its own merits it’s a pretty average language with lots of design flaws.
I don't really judge a language based on the number of design flaws. That is like judging a computer based only on its specs.
>and most of its users never really got a chance to solve the same problems with a better language.
I don't really think there is such a thing as "better languages". Also your statement is probably true, and was said about php as well. It is only true though because it has the most number of people using it, so will have the highest percentage of casual programmers. As with php though, you also have very good programmers using it.
I am not really sure what the point of characterising the users is other than to subtitute for a lack of any arguments related to the language. But of course, the arguments on these topics are just a bunch of copy and paste from "list of reasons javascript sucks" articles. These just list design flaws like === and so on.
"My PC is better because it has 2GB more ram than the mac". etc....
>web assembly
Web Assembly is not supposed to remove javascript, it is supposed to be used in addition to it when you need high performance. If people try to promote it as a way to not have to use javascript, it will just result in a more fragmented client-side programming situation, where libraries are not available for particular languages, etc.
> Web Assembly is not supposed to remove javascript, it is supposed to be used in addition to it when you need high performance. If people try to promote it as a way to not have to use javascript, it will just result in a more fragmented client-side programming situation, where libraries are not available for particular languages, etc.
I guess you have been missing the news what is being done in Go, Java, .NET, Rust, Unity and everyone else regarding WebAssembly.
We will have the revenge of plugins, like it or not.
The only way out is if the browser vendors backtrack and remove WebAssembly support.
There are lots of developers that stayed as backend engineers as they couldnt stand javascript (as a language and its integration with DOM), they stepped over the beginner phase with their development skills while javascript forced them to write BASIC (LOGO) level code. On the top of it, there were always some junior engineers that barely started to develop and were playing smart and bragging how cool the javascript is. There is a lot of rage stored in those circles and there are lots of excelent developers (I can tell you that 90% of top developers (not 25 years old kids, people that are able to write runtime compilers and OSes if given enought time) I know never wanted to work in javascript). Different reasons but I can tell you that most of them would say "I dont like java, but javascript is humiliating".
Now the webasm is comming, I am preparing to bet that the frameworks will start to pop out in year or something after DOM is supported and they will overrun javascript in shortest possible time, just to prove the point - it sucks big time. QT is beeing prepared, all the "real" languages are starting to prepare to support compiling into webasm... the traditionally backend languages (that... you wouldnt believe... backend engineers know very well) are now having a chance to shine in browser that was restricted for them due to javascript monopoly.
I wouldnt take the javascript future as really bright, in best case it will be used in same way as today shell scripts are (this is what they meant that webassembly is not replacement for javascript). To glue some parts of "system" (read as: browser) together.
And quite frankly, this is step that should be done 10 years back. It would save world a lot of trouble.
Consider python. With all the built-in libraries, it's many MB of code. If my app is 1-2mb, I'll be pushing the limits (I'll definitely be looking at multiple bundles to reduce and spread out the load parse time).
If that goes up to 10-15mb (which can't be split), you're now going to have major usability issues. That's before all that analytic stuff that isn't going away. People do notice the difference and will just leave.
Unity complex with basically zero runtime and uses webgl so it doesn't need to include that either (just the actual game itself).
People use the Dom because it's standard, doesn't have to be downloaded every time, and offers tons of features.
Nobody is going to write directly to webgl for a standard website (That's easily 9,999 out of 10,000 sites). That means you have to do something like drag Qt or GTK everywhere which takes even more time to download and parse.
Your idea seems to be: download and parse a bloated runtime, download and parse a huge display library set, download and parse the misc shim pieces, and then download and parse your app. This is all done with the hope that your crud app that spends most of it's time doing nothing will be a fraction faster and you can write it in something that isn't JS.
I love the idea of wasm allowing other languages, but it's going to take at least a decade to be usable for anything aside from heavy number crunching with C++. For a webpage, replacing the DOM with UI toolkit X is a pipe dream with problems ranging from aria/accessibility to web crawling and indexing issues.
Adobe won't be bringing flash back. It was basically just ES4. ESnext and HTML5 have almost all the good stuff plus quite a bit more while having far better performance than flash could achieve.
Sorry but I believe you are wrong in basic presumptions. If they will do it properly, in c++ compiled to webassembly scenario, there will be no need for parsing (except some headers). Browser code (V8 in chrome?) will just take the opcodes and execute them, similar as CPU execute machine code in native applications. But normally, if this is a scripting language like, lets say python, that webassembly compiled python "runtime" will need to parse python source code (or not, there are pycs if I remember correctly) and there will be parsing overhead. But for compiled languages there will be "no" overhead (browser on its own is overhead) and in any case far less than for javascript (that really needs to be parsed).
Anyway, if you remeber flash, there was one runtime for all flash apps and once you had it, this was it (until next security update :D), and with todays CDNs, it will be no different than, for example, angular. Downloaded once, cached forever.
First, I suppose I'm obligated to say that I'm a huge fan of Wasm (and was a huge fan of pnacl for years before that).
Wasm (like asm.js before it) is target at unmanaged languages. A C++ codebase likely does very well with good performance. That was not what I was talking about. Convincing a game company to write their games in C++ is trivial. Convincing that same game company to write their normal CRUD website in C++ would be incredibly difficult.
Looking at apps, there's still issues. Consider Qt. While it's very possible to write everything in C++, loads of companies jumped straight onto the QML/JS bandwagon because its (generally speaking) much faster to write safe code in JS (also, running the v8 version that Qt requires would be terribly slow compared to the native engine). UI development is hard no matter what and C++ doesn't do it any favors. JS features like closures and dynamic objects make many things easier than static classes functions.
This means we need to look away from C++ to something that is managed and has faster code turnaround times. The best possible languages for this are (IMO) Scheme (or maybe Common Lisp) and SML (or maybe Ocaml or F#). You could also make arguments for something in the vein of Dart or Kotlin.
How do you bring these languages to wasm? If you use a JIT, you run into a rather large payload (4-10mb of code is going to have obvious impacts). In some cases like Ocaml where a native compiler to wasm is in the works, you still have a GC issue (basically, you can make an advanced GC that is slow or a basic GC that is "fast", but with other issues).
The addition of DOM API will solve the GUI issues (and maybe they'll rework them to be more like dart's API). Adding hooks into the builtin GC would reduce payload size down to something closer to unmanaged languages. 10 years after those are added (when outdated browsers can finally be ignored), wasm will finally be ready to replace JS.
Adding those features doesn't seem to be highest priority. Unfortunately, you and I will probably be nearing retirement age before they are generally usable.
As a point of interest, JS code could be getting much smaller and much faster to parse (plus becoming a better compilation target) with the JS binary AST proposal.
I agree. DOM will come, thinking that GC can not be developed in language the browser (and javascript) is built in is a bit naive (not to mention GC is a complex solution for simple non-problem, I would rather use malloc/new and free/delete + destructors than relying on Terminator Skynet ripped AI doing this really simple task - tribute to java and inability to free memory when needed! Anyway with each tab running in separate process, system will take care about memory leaks ;) ) while the runtime - the last time I checked, the CDNs were serving javascript libraries over mb in size and I really see no problem for them serving python runtime, while for c++, the runtime can be the browser itself and even if you pull in libc or proxy to the existing browser functions, this can be really, really small. Believing that code, that was designed to be human readable (as js), can be shorter than the opcodes doesn't really fit here.
I have heard this runtime considerations before but they are taking into account that someone will run webassembly compiled JRE in browser (and I am sure that right now, there are some freaks trying to achieve that). But there is still good old C++ (or Rust) not as productive as scripting languages but this is just due to much less open source "technological stack" (or some might argue, tribute to low quality of software today, "technological garbage") rather of not beeing capable of beeing competitive.
I think that the coolest trick that web based technologies pulled out was to convince the world, that the whole GUI needs to be primitive, simplistic, as they were unable to create something that desktop applications were doing for decade (speed/size considerations) and it might just happen that we will return back to owner drawn controls, where you wont be able to make distinction if app is running locally or in browser (no, I don't mean Electron, pun intended). There js will be unable to compete.
Anyway, push for webassembly is not here as corporations want to do something good. They want to push all computer users into old mainframe scenario, where you would have to rent space and cpu in a cloud and have just dumb terminal and javascript has hit its limits to replace desktop environment as it is, even with Windows Metro look (another simplification of GUI, done for mainframe scenario, Windows 365 are not far away)
Javascript was usefull in era of simplistic web pages as a small hack into html, but for next step we need something more and here there are other languages that can offer much more but are now limited to running in backend as they don't have browser support. But this will change with webassembly.
Runtime size depends on a few things. The biggest is JIT vs native. If you're willing to dedicate the time to making (or interfacing with) a completely native compiler, then the runtime penalty isn't that large. In contrast, any halfway decent JIT is going to be several MB of code (and unlike an image, has to be parsed and executed -- potentially on slow phones).
In both cases, the GC issue is non-trivial. LLVM has finally started to make performant GCs possible. Wasm (to my knowledge) doesn't have similar capabilities and guarantees (I suspect the are actually impossible with untrusted GC code). The only viable solution IMO is the addition of GC primitives and hope that your particular language maps well on that specific browser's GC.
Switching back to Java after having spent a long time in JavaScript land with modern standards made me realize how great JavaScript had become.
The biggest reason for JavaScripts greatness to me is JSON. I couldn't understand how Java developers put up with such bulky ways to deal with data. After some time in Java land I've come back to appreciating its strengths again though. Code completion is nice. I'm kind of hoping for more typescript in the future.
Thank you for telling me. I've been hovering around this possibility since I'm using Intellij and am the primary owner of the code. Although I'm also keen on this code being as accessible as possible for the rest of the organisation and few has even heard of Kotlin.
When I suggest switching to Kotlin everyone's always smiling dismissively like "ah, you with your crazy ideas again".
Don't ask, do it. Asking is a great way to get shot down. Write something smaller in Kotlin, then show people what it looks like. It is heavily interoperable with Java, so you could move some of the boilerplate heavy classes over.
Unfortunately given that java does type erasure, you don't get the kind of full featured JSON lib that Json.Net is in the .NET world. Presumably you'd have to somehow annotate to the deserializer what each individual list/array's generic type is for it to properly deserialize, separate from the type definition itself.
I'm not sure what scenario you are envisioning. Type erasure does not completely eradicate generic type information, reflection can still be used to infer generic usage for deserialization and dependency injection (and is done in Jackson and Spring). To make your life easier in doing so, there is:
I'm using JSON all the time, but it's hardly the be-all/end-all solution for even the basic use case of service payload serialization, let alone config file syntax or document syntax. To begin with, JSON lacks types for URLs, dates/times, and spatial data; it also lacks conventions for error messages and data graphs other than trees, etc. So I think Java not integrating JSON literals at the language level or some such actually is a plus.
I think that lack is a strength. Lists, Maps, Booleans, Numbers, Strings. With these powers combined, you can create basically anything you can think of. Dates can be unix timestamps or ISO strings which are universal. Spatial data is a compound datatype anyway (plus, there are quite a few data representations depending on number of dimensions, cartesian vs polar, etc). The one datatype that JS could potentially benefit from is a byte array type, but even that can be accomplished with base64 "strings" or Lists of numbers.
To me, it's much better to let every company send error messages in the format that makes sense to them rather than having the One True Error that doesn't quite work for anyone.
My biggest complaints about JSON are syntactic. Optional comments, multi-line strings, and trailing commas would do wonders for day-to-day readability without significantly bloating the specs.
Agree with your points regarding comments and multi-line strings; don't like optional commas, though.
With respect to your "lack is strength" argument, I can't help but find this unconvincing. We all know JSON is derived from JavaScript object/array literal syntax; your argument is akin to retro-fitting the requirements for service payload serialization to the suboptimal de-facto situation with JSON.
I miss the "and a project which doesn't use modern standards"-part in your post. It's not as if JSON or other modern things are not used in many Java projects. Your project seems to be stuck in the past, as are many JS projects. Legacy code is no fun most of the time.
I didn't read this as a json vs xml comment, although I suppose it could have been. Rather, I think it's a comment about how there is no convenient, lightweight syntax in Java for dealing with records/maps/trees/dictionaries.
Yes this was closer to my point. Dealing with JSON (like data) is much less convenient in Java than JavaScript. Haven't had to deal with XML configuration in Java for a long time, which I'm thankful for.
Sure, but there is boilerplate and abstractions that are needed in a language like Java or Scala. In JavaScript, it's a first-class citizen of the language.
It seems you're not talking about JSON (the serialization format) but rather about Javascript's object literal syntax that inspired JSON. They're really different things.
An advantage, however, is that you can directly encode Javascript data objects to JSON without having to annotate its fields or anything. I don't recall you being able to do that with Java.
You mean that if they are acyclic, you don't have to annotate the fields in Java either? Because the data objects I want to serialize usually are acyclic.
Perhaps, but probably not. ES6 recognises the distinction, and includes native functions for serialisation. That's first-class treatment if anything is.
Isn't comparing JS to something like Java or Scala a bit misleading in this regard? They're completely different styles of language with different tradeoffs. I think it would be a lot more fair to compare to something like Python or Ruby, in which case this advantage become a lot less clear IMO.
Well you must compare a dynamic language with another dynamic language. It would be more fair to compare JS to Python or Ruby if you talk about ease of use.
I too like JSON, however it is somewhat inefficient for arrays, where you end up repeating keys a lot. If you're gzipping, it probably doesn't matter as much...
You still need to make `ObjectStream os = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))); MyObject mo = (MyObject) os.readObject();` which is the most basic form I can think of (you've got to put in all them bloody `try/catches` as well don't forget, along with `public class MyClass { public static void main(String[] args) { ...` etc. etc.).
Whereas javascript you can just go `require(myjsonfile)`
I love java, but Javascript is indeed great for some of these kinds of things :-) works okay but the same fundamental serialization problem exists. The fact that dict can be roughly equivalent to JSON helps, but as soon as you start including more complex types you're going to have to use something to handle serialization/deserialization. Which really isn't that complex with Java if you're using a few convenience libraries: gson, orika/mapstruct, lombok all make it a lot less painful to write this kind of boilerplate serialization code.
The most common issue I run into is with datetime objects, but there are well documented workarounds. For more complex objects such as ORM objects, I think a lot of people use Marshmallow. That being said, I don't have a lot of experience, so I could be missing something obvious. What issues have you had with Python JSON serialization?
I wouldn't say I've had issues, I just don't think it's really been easier/quicker in Python than most other languages I've used except for the simplest use cases (when Flask jsonify does everything you need because your data is all just strings, numbers, and booleans already)
The code completion in JAVA is probably the only way to write java. It is bit too bloated for my taste with all classes and subclasses that handle almost the same thing (speaking mainly from Android perspective)
Code spends most of its time being in production and not in development. During that time in production, developers will leave the team, bugs will show up, major enhancements will be made. So it is important that the codebase is easy to reason about, easy to refactor and easy to debug.
If you take a language like Java and an IDE like Eclipse or Intellij IDEA, it is trivial to find from where a particular piece of code is called from. Whereas in JavaScript, particularly in huge codebases, you can't easily tell how a piece of code ends up getting called. You will need to run the code, make some educated guesses and put breakpoints or console.log statements to verify that yes, this particular line does end up getting called on this particular action.
Refactoring is also a joy in a language like Java. You can easily modify a method signature and the IDE will take care of updating all the places this method is called from. Now imagine you add a new argument to your JavaScript function and want to update all the places where the function is called from.
So judging JavaScript on these factors, it isn't such a good language.
TypeScript offers a compelling case, however. It often can provide the refactoring superpowers of strong statically typed languages on top of JS, and its brand of structural typing allows for quite expressive, but type safe, programs.
That being said, TypeScript is not sound and obviously in a real TypeScript program you'll eventually touch things that are untyped. But still, getting a different set of trade-offs than "statically typed" and "dynamically typed" is useful. It makes me wish there was something like this for Python (no, MyPy and Pyre are not this. They only provide nominal typing, which is definitely not good enough for everyday Python like Django.)
It's useful having a spectrum types. I personally prefer noImplicitAny in Typescript as that lets me choose which battles to pick and while I often leave more `any` typed things than I would like, I have the `any` keyword as an explicit TODO marker of those places where I gave up, so I can go back and fix them as needed/time permits/tech debt requires.
This is a giant overgeneralization. If you are using Redux, for example, you _can_ easily tell most of the time what functions get called and in what context, because data flow is unidirectional and easy to reason about. If you're using an old massive tangle of spaghetti code, it is much more difficult, yes.
You can have very messy code with an excellent language. You can also have beautiful code with a poorly designed language. Let's do a thought experiments. Have a pool of SWEs fresh out of school. Divide them into groups. Each group is given a language they are not familiar with. The pool of languages will include both commonly regarded good ones, OK ones, and bad ones. Ask the groups to do a middle-sized project for 3~6 months independently. Then we compile the projects, analyze their code quality. If the pool of SWEs are big enough, it will give us some insights.
This is true. However, it is more important to evaluate both the quantity and the "quality" of advantages and disadvantages.
For disadvantages, how serious are they, how easy are they to be abused, to creep into the codebase, to be prevented from happening again, etc.
It also depends on the team. If it is a small team of 5 people and they are all excellent engineers, I think whatever languages are fine. The 5 engineers will discuss and decide what features to NOT use, etc. and abide to them. If it is a team of 500 engineers, it will take much more efforts and eductions and much longer to achieve that.
Comparing with Java or popular languages like those at the top of tiobe?
Lambdas, First class functions, and closures are a great feature missing in basically every other popular language (things like Javas lambdas or function pointers aren't even close in real world use).
Proper tail calls is another feature missing from that list and despite some browsers refusing to honor the spec they ratified, it's still implemented in Safari/javascriptCore, XS6, duktape, node 6-7, etc.
The interplay between js dynamic objects and closures is difficult to describe, but a thing of beauty when fully understood. Object literals are also basically unique to js on that list as well.
There's a lot to love about most languages and JS is no exception.
Nope. I’ve worked in Java codebases which are much worse than your average js codebases. You could never tell what part of the java code calls which genericized listener. Especially with all the floating xmls and linked annotations. Its not the language, its the design that matters.
The tooling makes up for it -- VSCode, for example. Click to definition, right out of the box. The number of options is too numerous to be listed here. Modern Javascript is as much about the tools as it is about the language, as the writer points out.
Even the best IDE cannot do anything about the fact that JS is dynamically typed.
Yes, modern IDE do wonderful thing to help you with JS but they will never be able to match the help they can give with a language that is statically typed.
I got interested in functional programming through JavaScript. It might have been React w/Redux that initially demonstrated the value of immutability and pure functions to me.
One day I got curious about monads and spent over a month trying to wrap my head around it, which obviously set me on the path to Haskell which is now my favorite thing in the world.
Oh man, I hate these articles as they bring out the trolls.
Javascript is a great language because it allows you to develop incredibly fast (scripting language) for a platform that runs everywhere (the web).
It used to be far simpler, but IMHO, insecurity because of all of the FUD that this sort of article prescribes, has meant that the language has bloated to incorporate all sorts of syntax improvements and new patterns.
It's not a systems programming language, so all the comparisons against typed, compiled languages are moot. Introducing transpiling as a mandatory pattern for JS development was a mistake.
The reason JS has won is because the web has won. Arguing about its merits misses the point.
Transpilation is the number one reason I've seen that makes maintenance of older projects hard. The fact that JS didn't standardize on a module syntax until far too late means that we're forced into a transpilation cycle to build bigger projects. I can call that a mistake without denying it's reality.
If you want to build a web application, at some point, until we have true web assembly, you will have to use javascript, which does make a lot of the arguments here moot, regardless of the size of the project.
>Transpilation is the number one reason I've seen that makes maintenance of older projects hard. The fact that JS didn't standardize on a module syntax until far too late means that we're forced into a transpilation cycle to build bigger projects. I can call that a mistake without denying it's reality.
You answered your own objection. The language is deficient so alternatives are sought (lack of standard modules is one problem). Nobody likes transpilation and nobody would do it if JavaScript was conducive to building and maintaining large applications.
>If you want to build a web application, at some point, until we have true web assembly, you will have to use javascript
No. You can build it in TypeScript or Dart or any number of more sane language and transpile to JavaScript. Which is what people are doing.
>No. You can build it in TypeScript or Dart or any number of more sane language and transpile to JavaScript. Which is what people are doing.
Exactly, you can't avoid javascript. Transpilation is at best a level of indirection.
I'm not answering my own objections, rather I'm pointing out that transpilation is a necessary evil, but it _was_ a mistake compared to the alternative, namely fixing modules.
You will have to refactor everything and entirely change your toolchain every two years. If you had the misfortune of using some framework, it will no longer be supported by then.
No JS application has that kind of longevity, because the entire ecosystem is extremely volatile.
I think you touched on a key point. Javascript IS a decent scripting language. Treat Javascript as a scripting language and not for general large scale application development and you will probably be pretty happy.
Arguing about it's merits doesn't miss the point at all because it isn't limited to the browser. Even other dynamic languages generally have a better design and are much easier to debug in production in my experience.
Also, people making legitimate criticisms about a technology (in this case to try and cut through the hype train a bit) are not 'trolls'.
This was true 7 years ago. Today JS is in frontend servers everywhere, and powering everything from games to IoT to developer tools, robots and smart fridges. All things that used to be territory of typed/compiles languages.
I'm greatly in favor of the syntax changes. Working with the idiosyncrasies of data in JavaScript used to be a huge pain in the ass. Underscore/Lodash improved that story quite a bit. But ES6 goes a long way towards increasing the expressiveness of the language, such that code doesn't get bogged down in tedious data manipulation and language noise. Unfortunately, the space of possible improvements is a bit limited by the need for backward compatibility (e.g. they couldn't achieve expression-based programming, outside of single-expression arrow functions), but it's still quite good.
I have been working with elm for 2 years now and shipped 4 projects.
I can say a lot of good thing about elm, but the most important one, and something that outweight a lot of thing is maintainability. Each time I had to change something in a shipped app it was painless, stressless (I know I won't add regression) and fast.
I won't say JS is bad, but the absence of a compiler makes it much more fragile, especially when working on old code.
I'm an outsider to the JS world but find it absolutely fascinating the direction the language has taken. It's clear that a lot of the new language features enable more concise functional programming. I see this as a good thing.
I'm really surprised that whilst the language on the one hand gives nice tools like the object spread syntax, the last time I checked it didn't make it easy to make the interpreter enforce immutability.
It seems strange to me that the language evolves in this way to recognise foot-guns but doesn't give you the tools to turn them off. Object.freeze looked like it would do the trick, but it's shallow. Freezing doesn't survive the spread syntax, which makes perfect sense because it freezes the original object, and of course the whole point of immutable objects is to create a new object.
It feels like you're able to program in this style, but the language designers didn't really consider it very much and were just introducing the syntax to be consistent with the other spread syntax.
I don't mind ES6+ syntax. I'd even say that the syntax alone makes for a pretty great developer experience, but I still wouldn't say it's a great language altogether.
I think a fundamental problem with the language is that it's not particularly memory-efficient, and it's hard to make it memory-efficient. The V8 team has done a lot to make it better but they are still limited by the design of the language.
That's particularly painful in mobile where memory is constrained, and on the desktop it's making the typical 4 - 8GB of RAM less and less sufficient. That's important when discussing why Javascript is still an issue when using stuff like Electron and React Native.
One of the richest companies in the world with very good engineers made a supercomplex engine which nobody understands and looks like they cannot make it better and we use it happily as given - something's wrong here.
I don't understand what's wrong? People use software without knowing how it's coded under the hood all the time? The V8 code is here if you want:
I don't think anyone benefits from watering down the definition of "good" to the point where it describes Javascript. Javascript – sorry, modern Javascript – sorry, surfing a compile-to-JS liferaft atop a thick and constantly shifting foam of tooling and libraries disgorged by literal person-millennia of community effort – can be surprisingly decent if you're careful.
Any meaningful definition of good has to draw a line between things that are and things that aren't. The definition here is broad enough to include basically any language that is popular. C++ is also good because it has a good syntax for the things people use C++ for, a big community that builds tools for it, and it has quirks but come on every language has quirks.
"Just because you disagree with the decisions doesn't make the language bad" is a funny way of describing absolute bald-faced mistakes like typeof null == 'object', the baggage of 20 years of browser quirks (JS tristate logic: true, false, and document.all), and "no that was totally intentional minimalism" oversights like the lack of coherent collections and iteration primitives.
When I think about good, I think about Rust's memory model, Erlang/OTP's supervisor trees, Java's standard library, Clojure's immutable data structures, Python's syntax, .NET's LINQ, Haskell's type system, Idris's type system, Go's mascot, or Elm's delightful mix of programming language and solo performance art piece.
Despite the author's attempt to head this criticism off, the reason we use Javascript really is just because it's in the web browsers. Web developers had to use it, so we made the best of it. We wrote libraries and tools to make it bearable, we built new languages on top of it so we didn't have to deal with its bullshit, and once Ballmer quit ruining the internet we built those improvements back into the language itself.
But is that good? Layers upon layers of accreted improvements, each with more legacy carve-outs than the last? "We can never throw away a bad idea" is a one-way complexity ratchet that precludes unqualified goodness unless there were no bad ideas to begin with. With Javascript, that is not the case. The best it will ever achieve is that it has good parts.
If INTERCAL was the de facto language of the web, we'd be writing Medium posts about the benefits of Automatic PLEASE Insertion and how excited we are for ASYNC COME FROM to land in INTERCAL2018. And, hey, it's not perfect, but it gets the job done, there's a good community, and at least it's not Objective Malbolge. Who are we to criticise?
>how excited we are for ASYNC COME FROM to land in INTERCAL2018. And, hey, it's not perfect, but it gets the job done, there's a good community, and at least it's not Objective Malbolge.
That made my day and next few mornings, thank you.
I think it's useful to differentiate between JavaScript the classic language for adding limited interactive behaviours to otherwise static Web pages and JavaScript the language for full-blown MVw web apps and JavaScript the ubiquitous portable script language.
For the first and third use case, really not much has changed since ES3/ES5: if you want portable JavaScript and appreciate simple "press reload button" workflows without babel or other complex transpilation steps, then ES6+ features don't add any essential capability, and I tend to avoid them.
If OTOH you really need to develop SPAs with massive code bases and third-party libs, then ES6 and in particular ES7 with async/await is a big win.
But I can't help wondering if the tension between these language profiles is going to work well for JavaScript in the long run. IMHO for full-blown apps there are much better alternative back-end languages available, and in any massive ES6 code base I've come across the desire to introduce types and type metadata is very much noticable (Angular and Typescript come to mind).
I think we have a case of Stockholm Syndrome here.
He claims on one hand that Javascript is great and then cites the awesome tooling like Typescript. Well, a great language would not need Typescript, now would it?
I think the most obviously damning thing about Javascript is how the rest of the world bends over backwards and speaks JSON now because it's less trouble if we adapt to JS than if we adapt JS.
Well, yeah, if you change the problem to fit your programming language better, then your programming language will feel convenient and like it always fits well. Duh.
I don't think JSON is a signifier of that - we had XML before and you're always going to need plain text types of files like that. Python also plays well with JSON. It's just Java/C++ types that don't play easily with JSON unless you want a lot of translation and processing.
That said, I agree with the rest of the points. I do love JSON though.
My developer friends do have opinions on JavaScript that are in my view outdated, modern JavaScript is my favorite peogramming language due to the ease of expressivenesss and joy to write it. I started out with C, C++, Java, Objective-C and C# before ever seriously using JavaScript (other than tiny snippets of front end browser dom manipulation) and may be I’m just getting old but... I’d love to use JavaScript for everything if I could.
I find swift and python to be more elegant in terms of expressiveness. Only issue with swift is that it's ABI isn't stable yet and still not official support for windows (I think, will need to check this).
At this point the only thing I feel like I'm left missing from Python in semicolon-free ES2015+/Typescript are list/generator-comprehension syntax [0] and slice notation [1].
My eyes see the curly brackets easier than indents for scope probably because of my background and I forget the colons sometimes but yeah Python is a usually a pleasure too
Yeah, arguing that language features that have caused untold pain, constant confusion, and an shameful level of strictness aren't an issue because third-party linters and typed DSLs give you warnings is... weak. Any language can address any issue in that manner. The very fact 3rd party tooling is required to address language design issues is a pretty harsh criticism of that languages design in and of itself.
Javascript the language is getting much better, and is quite nice in many dimensions. Javascript the ecosystem has a lot of strengths, while also having embarrassingly poor base libraries that require stupid levels of duplicated effort and a platform that is still painfully inconsistent. The fragmentation around Coffescript/Typescript and linters hints at a much stronger need for a language that does more than JS does at its core... As traditional languages encroach into the browser space I see a lot of the "SPA" and cutting edge fat-client-in-html moving away from JS because of those warts.
> Yeah, arguing that language features that have caused untold pain, constant confusion, and an shameful level of strictness aren't an issue because third-party linters and typed DSLs give you warnings is... weak.
The point the author is making is that the haters love to point at these quirks and claim that they cause "untold pain"; yet in actual practice I've only been bitten by == maybe twice in 15 years.
No, the point the author is making is that a painful, well-known, common irritant which bites people in the ass on the regular (source:, is avoidable with secondary tooling. Issues that even bite people with 15 years experience in the language...
This argument applies equally well to using PHP for most anything. Not impressive.
I agree that the writer shouldn't have used TypeScript to demonstrate JavaScript; but to be fair, the only thing you have to do to turn it into JS is remove the `as ConsignmentSetup` on the 4th line.
> the only thing you have to do to turn it into JS is remove the `as ConsignmentSetup`
Removing the cast means removing static typing. It might be a small change for this snippet, but at the project level, you'd need considerably more changes, and you'd lose type safety.
By that definition C++ and C are the same languages. But everyone knows they aren't. And both C/C++ are statically typed languages! You can't just drop a static type system into a scripting language and claim it's an irrelevant difference!
I agree with the other posters - there are probably good defences of JavaScript that can be written, but writing an article about how great JavaScript is and then showing a code sample from a different language just reinforces the idea that JavaScript developers probably don't have much experience with other kinds of programming.
> Not really, Typescript is mostly a superset of ES2015 and is compatible syntax wise.
You could say that about C++ and C, but that's an entire different can of worms.
So why not give the example in JavaScript then? Arguing that JavaScript is "Good, Actually" and then showing examples of tools people have build to avoid using vanilla js because it lacks X or Y is actually an argument for js being "Not Good Enough".
When someone makes a statement like this, it raises the question: compared to what? What other languages does the author have experience in to proclaim that Javascript is good?
Also I never seen anyone complain about Electron apps because of the language they're written in. The main complaint is that it's a tremendous waste of computer resources. If your chat app needs more than 1gb of RAM, I don't care what language it's written it, it sucks period.
I think javascript shines only depending on which languages you compare it to, and what you're doing with it.
Also JS + Typescript is a force to be reckoned with (the added safety is great), and once a multi-threaded runtime like Chakra[0] takes shape, it'll be even better. JS's early introduction of concurrency primitives (callbacks, futures/deferreds, promises) will make javsacript developers much productive much faster than the equivalent ruby/python 2 developer with not as much early exposure to managing concurrency.
Typescript is the only reason I would consider Javascript "good." Without the type safety and the refactoring tools that type safety makes possible, applications may be easy to write initially, but unbearably difficult and time consuming (read expensive) to refactor and maintain an application of even basic to moderate complexity.
- easy accessibility of higher order functions (AKA functions as a first class object from the get go)
- graceful inclusion/addition of concurrency-handling functionality despite the language being single threaded (this might be much more to do with the context javascript was to be used in)
I agree with your sentiments on the value of type systems and compile-time type checking, but so many languages are in the same boat as JS in this regard -- it even applies to a bunch of lisp dialects (CL does have the `declare` form), and not many could consider lisp a "bad" language.
1. We've had higher order functions since 1960s, it's not a new discovery that is singular to JS, that award goes to LISP and Scheme.
2. Concurrent execution has also been introduced in the 1960s (Dijkstra 1965), Ada and Erlang supported that behaviour since the 80s.
3. LISP has a type system and basically any LISP runtime will yell at you for comparing strings with numbers just like that. SBCL can do this check at compile time even.
Additionally LISP lets you add a type system on top using macros and other tricks (some going as far as implementing a Haskell-like typesystem in LISP).
> 1. We've had higher order functions since 1960s, it's not a new discovery that is singular to JS, that award goes to LISP and Scheme.
My point wasn't that javascript invented higher order functions, it was that making them first class isn't something all languages have chosen to do, and is clearly a good choice.
> 2. Concurrent execution has also been introduced in the 1960s (Dijkstra 1965), Ada and Erlang supported that behaviour since the 80s.
My point was not that concurrent execution was somehow invented by javascript, that would be an asinine claim. My point was that javascript has done surprisingly well to introduce these concepts to it's users (perhaps out of necessity given the runtime environment it's in), whereas concurrent programming is considered an advanced concept in other languages and isn't taught till very late if not at all.
> 3. LISP has a type system and basically any LISP runtime will yell at you for comparing strings with numbers just like that. SBCL can do this check at compile time even.
this depends on the dialect of lisp you're using. SBCL will certainly do basic type checking and even advanced if you make use of `declare`. I'm not sure what I implied that would make you think I am crediting javascript with inventing type systems (?). I know lisp is great -- that's why I mentioned it as a language people highly regard, but is not compile-time typechecked depending on the dialect you're using, but people wouldn't say that makes it a bad lanaguage.
It's like you read my comment and decided that I said javascript was the best language ever invented. My point was that it's made some choices with some good outcomes. Java as a language consciously chose not to have first class functions for the longest time (1.1 to 1.8 IIRC), yet people from Java will continuously bash JS as being the worst language they've ever seen.
> What positive things can we say about a programming language where this is valid code?
Just because it parses doesn't mean anyone would ever write it in a serious project.
Also, I've seen worse in Java (AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean), the only difference being that someone wrote the code with good intentions -- not as a joke. "Idiomatic" Java code is often bloated, and people who write it have been trained to defend the bloat until their dying breath.
> Or the community tradition of writing one liners as npm packages?
I'd pick npm over the hellscape that is maven +/- gradle and managing the class path anyday.
I honestly think in about 5~10 years, something like Golang is going to be more common at most forward thinking companies than Java, with or without generics.
Go is good as better C replacement for all use cases still being written in C that could actually be done safely in a GC enabled language, as they aren't targeting stuff like 16KB PICs.
This wasn't true in Java until 1.8 and the addition of Functional interfaces though. I wasn't trying to name any languages in particular but that was one.
I've seen java developers struggle with the concept of futures/promises while for web developers it was covered in Javascript 102 and they've been using them day in and day out for years. This was the benefit i meant.
Java was released in 1995, we're going to just ignore ~19 years of a consistent bad decision to make ergonomics worse for people who use the language?
To be fair, good alternatives also haven't really existed for a long time either -- alternative languages on the JVM weren't popular, Golang and Rust didn't exist, C# required changing to a MS shop, ObjC was ObjC... But I'm not going to sit here and forget about a bad decision persisted for 19 years just because they fixed it 4 years ago. In that very specific case, Javascript did the right thing, from the beginning, and deserves to be praised for that individually.
As mentioned "Also plenty of developers on the Java platform are polyglot.".
I never worked in a company of "Language X developer", rather developers that would use whatever language suited the project. Including mixing multiple languages on the same project if that would be the best approach.
In those 19 years, JavaScript was mostly used to make graphics jump all around the page and form validation, hardly something worthy of high order functions and currying.
Javascript, the language that was largely tolerated until a book called "JavaScript: The Good Parts" came out, in 2008.
I forgive Javascript any "language flaws" it might have. Why? Because the truly beautiful thing about Javascript is that you can write a program, send anyone a URL and they can run it. No compilation, no installation - just open the URL in any browser. No other language in the world can do this in such a universal way. Simplicity is bliss.
> Yeah, because people usually compile their programs before running them.
The developers do, yes; with Javascript, they don't have to worry about compiling for multiple platforms like, say, a C developer would, they could even just ssh into a server and edit a single text file while everybody across Windows/Linux/MacOS/iOS/Android/etc can run the new version as soon as you save the file (mod browser compatibility issues, of course). I think their point was that Javascript is the only language that can do end-to-end simplicity like that.
As a long time JS dev I don't claim expertise in other languages, but every time I go back to check out new features in C++ or Java they feel more and more like JavaScript with types than "C with classes".
Due to auto and templates large parts of the strong typing can be moved to the compiler. When writing modern C++ one can be quite fast (not as fast as JavaScript) but get some verification, by the compiler, which fastens development time (i.e. typos in identifiers are located easily, whereas in JS you need to run the tests and then have to find the root cause)
I think JavaScript is moving in that direction too. There are some formal proposals for bringing types and community seems to like the individual attempts such as TS and Flow as well.
That's good to know. Introduction of iterators, lambdas, first-class functions, smart pointers, references, auto and in such in C++11 and Java left me with the feeling of C family languages converging on some similar set of features that resemble JavaScript more and more.
I am primarily a C++ dev and had to use JS for web development. Having no previous scripting experience, I was gobsmacked at the ease and freedom it offered, especially wrt string processing. You need to have been a monolingual C++ dev to appreciate what I said.
I don't hesitate to say I like JS. These days I try creating any small experimental programs I need in JS and run them in FF instead of starting the whole build process with C++ code. If there is file i/o needed, I use an extention that I have created for this purpose. When necessary, converting this prototype into C++ code is not a big deal.
As for its flaws, well, which language doesn't have flaws. Part of being an experienced dev is to learn, respect and avoid the shortcomings of the technology you use, aka paying attention. Its arguable that some flaws in some systems are worse than some flaws in other systems since the design factor comes into play, but with something as pervasive and monopolistic as JS, there is a clear choice to be made - create something better for the community or shut up and live with it. I am sort of doing both. (To pull off the first one, I need some serious credeitials, which I hopefully earn in the near future.)
>>I was gobsmacked at the ease and freedom it offered
Totally agreed. Same coming from Java. It is crazy how much I prefer it over Java. Maybe this is a consequence of coming from verbose languages? The lack of boilerplate is very refreshing!
Because there is usually a need to input data or parameters and I prefer a GUI textbox more than file based or command based approach. I also prefer visual inspection and debugging. Browsers make all this simpler.
> I’m not going into more detail because syntax is… well it’s not that important to a language. Syntax is (I’m waving my hand dismissively here) just syntax
Tell that to Brainfuck.
Sure, JavaScript is a great language if you ignore all the shitty parts.
I see a lot of people that are pro-JS are coming from Java/C++:
Re the Javascript advantages of JSON and quick writing: Python! It too has its flaws, but so many fewer and writing in it is a breeze. Python 3 is only getting better to, so if you do start, take the time to start in 3, not 2.
Javascript is indeed pushing more function programming type stuff, but if you really want that, go with a Lisp/Scheme or Haskell IMO. It's simply what I've been exposed to, but Racket is a great language for quick little programs. You can also go functional in Python easily enough as well.
JS is ok, TypeScript is pretty good. Still I would rather use say Elixir for a large project on the backend, but for a small project node is not a bad option.
The great thing about JS is how accessible it is. A child can start tinkering with it and build stuff.
The problem is, the children did do it, skipped going to school to learn the basics, and now we see clearly reflected in the evolution of the ecosystem their efforts to slowly re-discover and re-invent everything.
Forced OOP model [1], lack of types, highly redundant syntax (ES6 whyyyy). After years I’m still fighting with the language, not to mention the browser with it’s frankensteinian api.
Browsers should have just created a Lua dialect, which is like a more sane version of JS, and throw JS back into the nineties-fads hellscape that spawned it. Perhaps in an alternate dimension Eich will have done a non experimental port of Scheme or would just have done WASM from the start.
I’m pretty sure at least there every PC would just boot into Netscape by now.
It’s true that the infrastructure around JS has gotten a lot better, but that’s despite the language. If anything I should thank it for popularizing FP which will hopefully eventually slay the chimera that is OOP.
[1] Or, more specifically, “POOP” to emphasise its prototypical nature.
That flux capacitor diagram is super interesting but I think it is missing a point. The bizarre equality happens due to truthy and falsy evaluation, which is a very practical concept that saves you a lot of time when you actually want to get shit done.
I'm well aware of "Standard"JS, and it's highly controversial to put it mildly.
The fact it was named "standard" is quite infuriating, as it's just a bunch of random people churning out an arbitrary set of formatting rules. This is not how standards are acquired. Now, many devs unfamiliar with JS use it because they google "javascript standard formatting" and obviously find this.
> JavaScript is good, actually. If you use Flow and Typescript which are not Javascript.
That's like saying that Java is good, actually, if you use Kotlin. But not really, because the UX of using Kotlin is 100x nicer than using transpilers.
For me, as a founder of a young startup, the overarching benefit of being proficient in modern JS and sorrounding tooling is that I can use the same language for my whole stack(servers, web, Android, iOS), and spend more time thinking about the product and business. In the possible future where the company grows enough where it needs a distributed server software, the only part of the product that'd be changing would be the backend, and I'd probably look at Java for that.
For the rest, React(& react-native) + graphql + a typesystem is a pretty good stack for UI software.
JavaScript has continuously evolved and probably at a faster pace than many other languages. I'd interested to see whether those who used ES5 and didn't have a good experience, would enjoy using ES7 with async/await.
The JavaScript ecosystem is large and this question can be broken down into:
- Is JavaScript good on the browser for the front-end work?
- Is JavaScript good on the server?
Also for those interested, I create a Poll HN: favorite web server language and front-end submission over here:
A programming language where almost everything is mutable is by design not good.
JavaScript is popular because the learning curve is low and it was good enough for the web. Otherwise it is pretty mediocre even when just compared to scripting languages.
Then, the "about" page of that blog is very concerning: "I am a world-class software developer". A world-class software developer would be people like John Carmack, Linus Torvalds or Dennis Ritchie.
> A programming language where almost everything is mutable is not good.
That's a weird criticism. Object-oriented programmers are premised on mutation. As for JavaScript itself, mutations can be avoided. 'const' to prevent reassignment, using Object.freeze, or just applying functional programming principles and keeping functions pure.
Good point. The same practices are common in JS.
Arguably, point free style, currying, functional composition, etc... are easier to achieve in JS (esp. with types). I do enjoy writing java in somewhat functional way, and have seen badly written OOP Scala (mostly by developers, who just started experimenting with FP), and I think it’s difficult to discuss a language without the broader context of its common practices/developer culture/discourse around it.
Immutable objects are not common in JS. You can conceptually treat them as immutable, but they are mutable, because their base type is mutable and by extension everything is mutable.
1) Many languages won't allow you to redefine a type.
2) Mutate the prototype of a "frozen" object and you would indirectly affect it through its prototype chain... or mutate an nested property inside a "frozen" object.
Most of JS standard library and most popular frameworks and libraries have fully mutable definitions. That sucks and is BAD design decision.
> Many languages won't allow you to redefine a type.
This counterargument is not a good one. Just because other languages do things a certain way doesn't mean it's the right way in every situation. C++ has multiple inheritances and template metaprogramming, but that's C++.
> Most of JS standard library and most popular frameworks and libraries have fully mutable definitions. That sucks and is BAD design decision.
It's subjective whether this is a bad design decision. For the standard library, this enables polyfills. As for the popular libraries / frameworks, they have the option of freezing the prototype. They don't do this because they make the fair assumption that the client is not mutating the library state. It's the programmer's fault for breaking the interface contract and mutating the implementation. At any rate, this would be a criticism of the ecosystem, rather than language. If the criticism is about untrusted third party code, it's not an apples-to-apples comparison between JavaScript and other languages that are operating in different environments.
1) Template meta-programming is vastly safer than preprocessor macros. Then, today you have constant expressions, which overlap with some of the use-cases of template meta-programming. In any case, template meta-programming is not strictly required to get things done in C++. Multiple inheritance can be caught by static analysis.
2) Just like you can polyfill your code, malicious input can poison your prototypes.
I never felt the author got around to describing what makes Javascript good. I mean, hey, it's indisputable that lots of people love it, and it's fine to write up an article defending its quirks. But the existence of good tools, an OSS community, and reasons for the quirks don't sum up to a reason to try Javascript. I was hoping for some more insight into the language itself, but that was never touched on.
I would have liked to have seen some comparisons. Showing javascript syntax but then not showing anything else and then saying its good is not really an argument.
And aren't frontend dev essentially forced to use javascript since we can't compile to anything else at the current time? yes webasm is coming
and yes there are languages that compile to js
This article’s reasoning seems really confused to me.
He seems to be saying, “Hey, this ting that everyone calls a shit sandwich isn’t really a shit sandwich. Let me tell you why.
I go to this nice restaurant and eat things that are not shit sandwiches. And they are fantastic. But they all end up as shit eventually, so it does t matter. Therefore JavaScript is not a shit sandwich.”
The syntax example didn't look any different to what I'd see in modern Java, C#, Go, Rust, LISP, etc. The syntax can make or break the language for some (Rust for me) but in the end, if you sit down and look at it, most languages in use today will be similarly easy to read (except Haskell).
It's not better that the example isn't even JS itself but rather the only JS dialect I don't refuse to work with since it has a type system that is more solid than wet tissue paper.
As the author themself admit, syntax is not important, so why bring it up? That genuinely seems like a way to A) bring up the argument and B) in case anyone refutes the argument being able to simply say "well it didn't matter anyway".
Toolchains are another bad point. VSCode doesn't only exist for JS, it has support for other languages as well and I very rarely make use of it as JS IDE.
If I need a third-party toolchain to fix up the most basic mistakes of the language's design I don't think the language under that mess will be terribly good.
Other languages don't require an entire toolchain to provide a minimum of coding safety.
People agree that writing in C is something hard and dangerous, it also needs an entire toolchain to achieve a minimum of "not segfaulting on startup".
I should be able to simply take the first party language tools and use those to get to a point where my application starts and the correctness of my code not being coerced to false.
While it is indeed commendable that JS has such a big community, I think the community still has lessons to learn. The churn in the ecosystem is beyond fantastical levels, not in a good way.
When I pull in sqlite3 for my project I can be reasonably sure that this project will be maintained for the next 20 decades and I will be able to use sqlite3 in 20 decades without much problem.
With JS dependencies I will always ask myself subconsciously if they're going to be maintained next week.
I don't write software that runs for next week, software I write is intended to function for the next 20 decades. Of course it'll get patched and maintained but I don't want to switch out my underlying framework because Google decided that their JS code has become too boring after 4 months of work.
The GraphQL examples is just an example of this. The tech is barely 5 years old, the tooling in all languages other than JS was extremely immature last I checked. Why should I bet on something like that to work and be maintained in 20 years?
I'm getting a bit rant-y but I'll take this last paragraph to disagree with the conclusion too. Most languages have some bad design. Usually that is fixed in the language or by first party tooling. That's not my problem with JS.
My problem with JS is that the moment I write JS I have to involve myself with the community of JS, a community that has laughed (!) and scoffed (!) at me for suggesting that I want to maintain software for a long time beyond $CURRENT_YEAR.
The ecosystem and community of JS are rotten and flawed, that's why I don't use JS where I possibly can and if I do it's vanilla browser JS pushed through the minimum installation of typescript I can get away with.
JavaScript is IMHO not a bad dynamic language, especially for rapid development of typical web, UI, glue, and scripting stuff... in other words most of what you use dynamic languages for.
We are moving to Go for our backend because dynamic languages don't scale with complexity or team size, but that's another matter.
This is very relative. If you compare it to Cobol, then yeah, it is good! If you compare it to Kotlin or Clojure? Not so much. See, everything depends on your viewpoint and your viewpoint depends on what you know. If you only know javascript than it may be good.
What's old is new again. Electron feels very much like the old gui systems like ToolBook, VB6, and other 'RAD' tools. It's not so much about the language as all the 'batteries included' toys that come with it.
TL;DR: JS is great if you like it and know it well!
I'd say that holds for pretty much any language. The blog starts with an example to show how clear and concise etc the syntax is. I, personally, find the syntax unclear, verbose and I have no clue what that code does at a glance.
But I guess that is actually the crux of it: if you enjoy Js and are productive with it, great! Just don't ask me to work on your code, I'd make a mess :)
No, it is bad. It is a pox on software development that we've had to fight for two decades just to get back to where we were. Everytime I see new innovative thing that is a retread of 1980s unix development, I die a little inside.
Other problems exist, which are just stupid (null/undefined, in/of, ===, ;, this, etc) or minor design choices like coersion and lexical rules. But these above are stoppers for turning JS into something great. It is now a BASIC-level language with scoping and sugar. Yeah, you can write like that snippet presented in an article, but you are forever stuck with doing all things by hand, from asyncing to orm, from exporting to update scheduling. I don’t find that great in any way, especially when that is the only semantics you have in a browser.