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there is another type of whois that people don't ordinarily interact with, but is essential for the correct operation of the internet...

ARIN, RIPE, APNIC and AFRINIC run whois databases for IP space. Network operators use them to find who controls chunks of v4 space (ranging from the globally-minimum-announceable /24 to /12). ISPs can use tools like SWIP to point the whois for a block of space in use by a customer to that customer's whois info.

I sincerely hope that this doesn't become more difficult to use, because it will make basic network diagnostics at a WAN scale much more annoying.

The good news is that the typical ISP-level info in IP space whois databases doesn't fall under the GPDR, since most are role accounts (abuse@ispname.com , noc@ispname.com, etc). Also generic phone numbers for NOC and network engineering groups. However, a lot of ISPs do currently have individual persons listed as points of contact in their whois entries.

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