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Streamie: Node.js + Websockets = Real time Twitter client (thechangelog.com)
47 points by netherland on Sept 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

You can fork streamie on github, edit stuff in /public and eventually access <YourGitHubUsername>.streamie.org without having to deploy it yourself.

Read the author’s blog post about it: http://www.nonblocking.io/2010/08/future-is-here-i-just-fork...

I heard that guy is storing oauth credentials. ;-)

I tried doing something similar a few months ago.

It's surprisingly difficult :D Kudos on making it work! How did you get around crashing browsers? I tried displaying the full-ish stream API and the browser would soon lag behind the real stream and finally die.

I saw something sort of similar a few weeks ago from jdub of gnome fame. http://www.hellodenby.com/blog/

Chromium shows "This page has been blocked from tracking your location." :-|

the live server got hacker'd.

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