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Surprise no one is calling out TC on their BS, yet again.

Lets face it, TC is a tech tabloid and HN's fascination with TC (majority story makes FP) is akin to teenager's fascination with celebrity gossip magazine.

No substance, nothing insightful, just pure unadulterated BS. And HN is all over it, every-time.

Facebook has zero incentive to confirm the rumor, and tons of incentive to deny it. I'm not saying I think the rumor is true (actually, I don't care), but you can't call BS just because Facebook has denied it.

It's all because TC cover stories related to YC companies a lot. I think that's about it.

I'm very confused about the hatred. TC has a very very good track record.

It's the only credible source of leaks that I pay attention to. They're actually on the pulse of the tech industry, unlike say Wired or Gizmodo or whatever, that don't really report anything original of worth.

> They're actually on the pulse of the tech industry, unlike say Wired or Gizmodo or whatever, that don't really report anything original of worth.

I think you mean "startup news" (which is open to debate). AFA actual "Tech news" is concerned they regurgitate whatever link they stumbled upon on their RSS feed and rewrite the whole thing often without bothering to even cite original source.

It boggles my mind that anyone would even consider TC "pulse of tech industry".

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