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AMD and Valve Partner for Driver Updates via Steam (shacknews.com)
34 points by carusen on Sept 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Steam is becoming a package manager for windows?

Only for laptops, though, I assume.

On Windows laptops, upgrading your graphics ATI drivers has always been a royal pain in the ass.

Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on my Toshiba netbook with a Radeon 4300.

I hope these won't be forced, I can't be the only person who has had to use older drivers due to bugs/etc.

Its not forced, I went through it today, and then promptly rolled back to 10.3, the last (somewhat) working driver from ATI/AMD.

I'm happy they are working on this; it's been a long time coming IMHO.

There are plenty of pitfalls for sure, but I think it's a great idea.

(Although I do hope they keep working on the client. It's a little buggy...)

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