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> I believe that we need to design technology to help bring people closer together. And I believe that that’s not going to happen on it’s own. So to do that, part of the solution, just part of it, is that one day more of our technology is going to need to focus on people and our relationships. ...

If Landmark Education (or one of its many descendants) focused on software technology, that would arguably be a key message. I wonder if that's just a coincidence.

Off-topic, but:

Do you know if Landmark is a cult? Is it something to be worried about? A close friend has recently gotten super involved with it and has done all three courses and is evangelizing it pretty hard, he's normally not someone who gets sucked into this kind of thing easily though.

He also doesn't seem "brainwashed". I've googled about the organization and have my reservations, but I'm not sure if it's legitimately helpful with some bad marketing strategies or Scientology/Waco/Jonestown

No, they're not a cult. And unlike Scientology, their courses aren't insanely progressively expensive.

On the other hand, the organization's mission is transforming the world. Just as their website says. And a key aspect of that is hard-core evangelism.

Just as Zuckerberg said in that quote :)

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