don't sweat it dude. I've noticed a lot of people on hn are crabby assholes for absolutely no good reason. like on the post linking to Google's codelabs (where there are hundreds of tuts about all sorts of things in the Google ecosystem) there were only two comments and they were complaints. and recall that every time an electron app is posted almost every comment is whining about the performance. and every time a rust article is posted there's whining about how it's more complicated than js. and every time there's a js article posted there's whining about how it's not type safe like rust. and every time someone posts a personal page someone has to point out how it's "garbage on mobile" as if they're doing people a favor pointing out flaws (as if they don't understand that mobile is the most heterogeneous platform out there). I swear people don't know how to be grateful for free shit or just keep their mouths shut when something doesn't tickle their own particular fancy. I wager it's a defense mechanism because they themselves aren't making anything and so they need assert their superiority in some way (because people that are busy doing stuff don't have time to complain about things irrelevant to their own work). kudos to you and Kurt for releasing a library to the community that's different and interesting and fuck the haters.