Especially if you are a germ-a-phoebe like myself. My friend accidentally sat in a seat soaked in urine by the previous passenger, and had to go back home to change clothes of course. I decided ... nope. And then there is the occasional smoker, so if you have asthma ...
Going by the descriptions here, riding the bus in the US is worse than riding one in India.
In Germany, smoking on a bus is unthinkable, and the bus drivers (and other passengers) will throw you out pretty much immediately if you lit a cigarette.
I've also never heard of people peeing in the bus, let alone encountered that, even though I regularly use public transit at all times of day and night.
>Going by the descriptions here, riding the bus in the US is worse than riding one in India.
You seem to be under the impression that the US is an advanced country full of civilized people like Germany, Norway, Japan, etc. You've obviously never been here.
Yeah, this shows the other problem in your biased perspective: it sounds like you never actually used the buses here. Coming to the US and driving around in a personal car (esp. if you just go on road trips to remote places like western national parks, as a lot of European tourists seem to do here) is absolutely nothing like what you'll see if you try to take city buses for transit in cities, especially in the poorer sections.