Very nice! Request: art gallery-like legends next to the artwork, with title/artist/date (I imagine this would only work with a curated source of art, but if I ever used something like this, I'd like to learn something too).
That was one of my original goals as well, but unfortunately there aren't many (any?) sources of downloadable art tagged with metadata. Hence, just the filename in the pop-up menu.
I realised the same thing when building Artpip and built up a database of ~25000 images and ~5000 artists via wikimedia's extremely unfriendly API.
I've thought about creating an open dataset that is free to use/download (everything is in the public domain anyway). The thing is, I have around 250GB of images (all images available in 4k) and I'm put off by the cost of hosting. If I were to just serve 2K images then the set would only be around 20GB.
Any suggestions for how to serve such a big file from a website?
I could just make it available as a dat (, but it's not exactly a widely used technology yet. Maybe I should just make a torrent? Ideally I would be able to update the dataset in the future.
If you ever get around to doing that, it would be super great! That's some excellent cataloguing work! (And DAT would be really neat to try out — I've been reading a lot about it recently and it seems like a very exciting new technology.)