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> Can anyone explain what's required to comply with Title 24?

I help write software that implements calculations related to Title 24 compliance, so I'll give answering this a shot.

It's described in this[1] 289 page document (only like a fifth of it applies to residential construction). It covers a lot of things, to say the least.

At a very simplified and high level, it works like this: There are two overall ways of meeting the energy efficiency requirements. One says "meet these material specs" (prescriptive). The other says "be at least this efficient" (performance).

The prescriptive approach has requirements describing things like all walls must be at least this well insulated and any heating/cooling system fans must be at least this efficient.

The performance approach does a performance simulation for both the proposed house design and for that same design, but built to the prescriptive spec. The design passes if the proposed design uses less energy in the simulation.

The document you've linked says both approaches will now require solar panels (so you can't "just" be energy efficient).

My guess is that you'll have to add at least as much solar as the current minimum required to get credit for doing so, which is described in section 2.2.3 in this document[2].

[1] http://www.energy.ca.gov/2015publications/CEC-400-2015-037/C...

[2] http://www.energy.ca.gov/business_meetings/2016_packets/2016...

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