offtopic, but I really like the fresh minimalism of the website. The colors and the choice of the monospaced font are quite unique. It captures the feel of using a terminal without being boring.
Don’t know about you but on iPhone Safari it’s terrible. No momentum scrolling makes it exhausting to scroll through, and there’s a broken horizontal scroll.
It’s even worse than that. I actually scrolled all the way down on an iPhone and the last third of the article was cut off and only accessible through reader mode.
The irony of a paean to command line tools being housed in unnecessarily compromised UX is a bit much.
That's the iPhone's rendering of their <figure> blocks. If you look at the HTML source, there is so little going on I can't see how it wouldn't be your mobile browser's fault.
That makes it even worse. There’s very little going on and it still manages to be a fuckup. Look at all the others who are also getting stuck in this UX tar pit.
How on earth does this happen on what should be a straight forward site?
I got to a point where the entire screen is occupied by one of the black terminal blocks quotes and got stuck. Can't scroll any further. Grabbing in these areas just makes the screen bounce instead of scrolling.
Checked on a computer and confirmed that yes, there is more content past where the phone version became unscrollable. Hands down the worst scrolling override I've ever encountered.
EDIT: You can grab it on the edges if you get stuck here (or you can go read some other website where scrolling works properly)
It appears to have something to do with the web font. If I block web fonts via Firefox Focus's content blocker the page scrolls fine, but it also doesn't render with any style applied.