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> Usually you're doing I/O for some practical reason and want to do simple, well-defined, typically sequential processing on the results. Which is to say blocking is your friend and you shouldn't be mucking with parallel I/O paradigms if you can at all avoid it.

In principle yes, though it becomes annoying when your use-case evolves or you have to miss out on otherwise obvious optimization opportunities because they'd seriously complicate your program.

E.g., Your program is mostly sequential but in one step, you'd be able to do a bunch of requests in parallel.

I think paradigms like async/await are a step ahead to give you the best of both worlds here: You can write your programs as if your requests block, but it still uses async IO behind the scenes - and you can drop the pretense of blocking when it makes sense at any time.

> async/await are a step ahead to give you the best of both worlds here: You can write your programs as if your requests block

Are you thinking of “green”/M:N threading (as found e.g. in Go)?

Async/await (as found e.g. in Python) is precisely what hinders the style you describe: If your brand new I/O routine is “async colored” to take advantage of non-blocking syscalls, you can’t easily call it from your regular “sync colored” code without “spilling the color” all around, i.e. considerable refactoring.

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