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"World War Z" [1] -- the book, not the movie -- is based on the premise that people would work together to ultimately overcome the zombie plague. Notably, Max Brooks wrote "The Zombie Survival Guide" [2] before he wrote "World War Z".

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_Z

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Zombie_Survival_Guide

The Survival Guide is really good. It nicely uses an american guidebook form to define which zombie variant is present in this world (unlike too common and inelegant "now, Computer, tell me all about The Century War", replied with a lecture ended with "...but you should already know all this, because you were in The Academy"), and if you strip the zombies and guns from the book altogether, you get a sensible guidebook on how to prepare for surviving a disaster.

Was really disappointed that the movie had nothing to do with the book. I think they just wanted the name. The book comes across as more of a comedy, though. Sending in little dogs to get zombies out of tunnels? Pretty funny stuff.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I enjoyed both the book and movie, saw the movie first then read the book. Both are good, but different.

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