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OpenID Usability: Two Solutions That Could Take OpenID Mainstream (readwriteweb.com)
13 points by naish on April 21, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

This sentence is priceless:

Already the home of the inventor of the wiki (Ward Cunningham), the initiator of the Linux kernel (Linus Torvalds), a boatload of RSS and OpenSource-heads, Portland Oregon is also becoming a hotbed of OpenID work.

OpenID will succeed because the awesome presence of Linus Torvalds is filling the air over Portland with tiny molecules of Smart!

Seriously, has Torvalds ever uttered a word about OpenID in his life? If so, could we have a link? If not, what the heck is he doing in this article?

The problem I have with OpenID is that I enjoy having separate accounts on various sites... it keeps my activities compartmentalized and I value that sense security over a universal ID. Furthermore, I'm not always interested in having a known identity on some sites... Get my drift?! :)

Ach, it seems like the obvious answer is that the browser autofills your OpenID url and, if the site is set up all Ajax-like, it then goes off and logs you in on arrival.

Very simple. As transparent as Basic Authentication with HTACCESS in fact!

(oh yeah, this is progress! progress I tell you!)

It'll catch on when articles don't include so many if/but/maybes. My eyes tend to just glaze over whenever I read about OpenID, so many fuzzy caveats.

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