I've always been disappointed by how large software projects, both FOSS and commercial, lose their "can do" spirit with age. Long-time contributors become very quick with a "no". They dismiss longstanding problems as illegitimate use cases and reject patches with vague and impervious arguments about "maintainability" or "complexity". Maybe in some specific cases these concerns might be justified, but when everything garners this reaction, the overall effect is that progress stalls, crystallized at the moment the last bit of technical boldness flowed away.
You can see this attitude of "no" on this very HN thread. Read the comments! Instead of talking about ways we can make Python startup faster, we're seeing arguments that Python shouldn't be fast, we shouldn't try to make it faster, and that programs (and, by implication, programmers) who want Python startup to be fast are somehow illegitimate. It's a dismal perspective. We should be exercising our creativity as a way to solve problems, not finding creative ways to convince ourselves to accept mediocrity.
This isn't an attitude of "no" - it's an attitude of "yes" to other things. The arguments are that making Python startup fast makes other things worse, and we care about those other things.
- Spend resources on developing PyPy, which (being a JIT) has relatively slow startup but much faster performance in general, for people who want fast performance.
- Write compilers from well-typed Python to native code.
- Keep CPython easy to hack on, so that more people with a "can do" spirit can successfully contribute to CPython instead of it being a mess of special cases in Guido's head.
Will you join me in saying "yes" to these things and not convincing ourselves to accept mediocrity?
I have to note that none of the projects you suggested, all of which are good and useful, will do anything to address cpython startup latency problem under discussion. Why shouldn't cypthon be better?
There's also no reason to believe that startup improvements would make the interpreter incomprehensible; the unstated assumption that improvements in this area must hurt hackability is interesting. IME, optimizations frequently boost both simplicity and performance, usually by unifying disparate code paths and making logic orthogonal.
I think you misunderstood the point. These weren't things that would address the cpython startup problem - these were other priorities that can be worked on, instead of (or in addition to) the latency problems under discussion.
Saying yes to fixing one thing usually means saying no to all the other things you can be doing with your time instead. Unless you're lucky and can "kill 2 birds with 1 stone".
> - Write compilers from well-typed Python to native code.
That is one thing I really want to happen, because I think it begins to open up python to the embedded space. Micropython is nice, but it still needs an interpreter embedded into it.
There have been plenty of attempts to compile Python to faster code (usually by translating to C).
Cython can use type annotations and type inference to unbox numbers for faster numerical code, but uses ordinary Python objects otherwise. http://cython.org
ShedSkin translates a restricted (statically typeable) subset of Python to C++. https://shedskin.github.io
RPython has a multi-stage approach where you can use full dynamic Python for setup, but starting from the specified entry point, it is statically typed. Since it was created for PyPy, it comes with support for writing JIT compilers. https://rpython.readthedocs.io
The point is that "better" is almost never a well-defined direction unless you only consider a single use-case. It's almost always a tradeoff, especially in a widely used project.
A language is a point on a landscape of possible language variants, and "better" is a different direction on that landscape for every user.
The problem under discussion is that projects that currently use CPython have slow startup. One potential solution is for those projects not to use CPython. (Certainly it's not the only potential solution, but, a language that tries to be all things to all people isn't going to succeed. Python has so far done an extraordinarily good job of being most things to all people, with "I want native-code performance" being one of the few out-of-scope things.)
>IME, optimizations frequently boost both simplicity and performance, usually by unifying disparate code paths and making logic orthogonal.
I would really like to see some examples where this is the case. Optimizations in my experience have made systems more brittle, less portable and ultimately less maintainable.
Programs a fast when they don't force the computer to do
much stuff, so speed overlaps (albeit imperfectly) with simplicity of code. Mostly this explains why programs start fast and then slow down as they cover more use-cases. But some optimisations also amount simplifying an existing system.
For example: as you get to know your use-cases better you might simplify your code to sacrifice unwanted flexibility. Or you might replace a general-purpose data structure with a special purpose one that not just faster, but concretely embodies the semantics your desire.
A case, that is not quite a simplification is removing code re-use. Instead of using function in three different ways, you use three separate optimised functions. Now changes to one use case don't cause bugs in the others. That's the kind of thing that quotemstr meant by "making logic orthognal".
>A case, that is not quite a simplification is removing code re-use. Instead of using function in three different ways, you use three separate optimised functions. Now changes to one use case don't cause bugs in the others. That's the kind of thing that quotemstr meant by "making logic orthognal".
And which is what I mean by making systems more brittle, less portable and less maintainable.
You find a corner case in the original function that's not covered, now instead of fixing it in one place you need to fix it in three places with all the headaches that causes.
So the next maintainer thinks: "Gee I can fix this by bringing all these functions together".
So if they're using an oo language they make an abstract base class from which the behaviour is inherited, or a function factory otherwise.
So now you're back to a slow function with even more overhead, that's even harder to debug.
So the next maintainer comes around and thinks: "Gee I can speed this up if I break out the two functions that are causing 90% of the bottleneck".
Now you have 4 completely independent functions to keep track of.
MicroPython put together a Python in 250kb. Why the hell can't we make an LLVM frontend for Python that can use type hints for optimization? Sure, you lose some dynamic features as you optimize for speed, but that's the dream. Quickly write a prototype, not caring about types, optimize later with adding types and removing dynamicism.
I'm currently learning Racket and LLVM and I have about 70 more years to live. I'm gonna try make Python fast on slow weekends 'til I die.
Since you're after micro-controllers you might be interested in Nim. At this year's FOSDEM we showed off some micro-controllers running Nim code[1]. The language is definitely less Python-like than Cython, but it might just be similar enough for your use cases (I started using Nim as a Python replacement).
Unless your Python compiler can use cpython modules without a massive performance penalty, it's going to see very limited adoption. The ecosystem matters.
We had a chance with ctypes and now CFFI to move away from the platform calcifying cpython module interface that is overly coupled to the cpython runtime. I am very disappointed in the lack of affordances that cpython gives to alternative pythons to support their work. The stdlib is a crufty mess that is overly coupled to cpython as well. The batteries are corroded and need to be swapped out for a modular pack.
I don't think it would be hard to add type annotations to existing projects, though. Something similar happened in the JS world with the transition of JS projects to TypeScript and it wasn't a big deal, IIRC.
Just throwing Python code at Cython doesn't really improve performance all that dramatically, because it'll be doing pretty much the same thing as the bytecode interpreter, except that all the saucy special-cases are now unrolled many times across all code.
Not static AOT, not creating tiny binaries that fit on a microcontroller.
There is a lot of stuff out there that goes in this direction. There is nukita (again no small binaries), there is even an abandoned GCC frontend that can compile some minimal examples, but has been abandoned long ago.
Seriously, the time I spent researching this topic - if a proper compiler engineer would spend that on the actual compiler, it'd be done by now.
You might be interested in Matthew Might's course on compilers. In one of his courses he targeted a Python compiler written in his weapon of choice, Racket.
> PyPy, which (being a JIT) has relatively slow startup
> time pypy -c 'print "Hello World"'
Hello World
pypy -c 'print "Hello World"' 0.08s user 0.04s system 96%
cpu 0.120 total
> time luajit -e 'io.write("Hello World!\n")'
Hello World!
luajit -e 'io.write("Hello World!\n")' 0.00s user 0.00s
system 0% cpu 0.002 total
Sometimes I wonder why we're not all using Lua instead of Python. Lua seems to get a strange amount of hate in some circles, but I've found both Lua and Python to be reasonably pleasant languages to work with.
> Three, the language is not a mere combination of syntax and semantics. Any evaluation should also account for user bases and ecosystem, and in my very humble opinion Lua spectacularly fails at both. I'm not going to assume the alternative reality---Lua has a sizable user base and its ecosystem is worse even for that user base.
> [...] The lack of quality library also means that you are even more risky when you are writing a small program (because you have less incentive to write it yourself). I have experienced multiple times that even the existing libraries (including the standard ones) had crucial flaws and no one seems to be bothered to fix that. Also in the embedded setting the use of snippets, rather than proper libraries, are more common as libraries can be harder to integrate, and unfortunately we are left with PHP-esque lua-users.org for Lua...
I think this critique still holds today, and unless miracle happens (like D), I doubt this is fixable.
I had a similar feeling a while back, but when I actually picked up Lua for a project I was shocked by how limited the standard library is. Third party libraries aside (which Python clearly has in spades), even just the standard library is pretty sparse. It makes sense, since Lua is at least partly motivated by being lean and embeddable, but it puts Lua in a completely different space for me.
Other folks complain about the lack of libraries. Personally, the two things which turn me off on Lua (luajit) are 1-based arrays and the conflation of hash-tables and array-lists into a single thing.
Oddly that's one of the things I like most about python. The containers module has so many very useful things. Plus hash-tables and array-lists shouldn't ever really be the same thing.
None of these address, for instance, the issue raised about the firefox build invoking python many times. This seems both an accepted use case of cpython and an area where traditionally cpython has a huge edge on the JVM and PyPy. If scripts are not a priority, what is the expected use case of cpython?
I would like to note, the cpython ties to the PyObject C abi seem to stymie rather than encourage “hacking”. Cpython seems to have traditionally valued stability over all else.... see the issues pypy has had chasing compatibility with c and retaining speed.
So: normally i’m with you and a language should lean into its strengths, but i’ve always listed startup time as a primary strength of python!
In my experience, "script" is usually well-correlated with "a bit of inefficiency is okay." There's a reason that, say, many UNIX commands that could be implemented as scripts (true, false, yes) are actually implemented as binaries. There's a reason that most commercial UNIXes/clones (Solaris, macOS, Ubuntu, RHEL, etc.) switched from a script-based startup mechanism to a C-program-based one.
I certainly write and continue to write Python scripts where even an extra half second won't matter. It's doing some manipulation of data where the cost of what it's doing is dominated by loading the data (e.g., grabbing it from some web service), and even if the script is small and quick, it's not so small and quick that I'll notice 50-100 ms being shaved off of it.
Use cases where CPython continues to make sense to me are non-CGI web applications and things like Ansible, where load time isn't sensitive to milliseconds and runtime performance is pretty good. (Although if you believe the PyPy folks, perhaps everything that's PyPy-compatible should be running on PyPy.)
Optimization is very, very rarely completely „free“ - and usually a concious trade of some property for another trait that‘s deemed more important in a specific case.
Simplicity for performance. Code size for compilation speed. Startup time for architectural complexity. UX for security.
For a great product, you need to say „no“ much more often than not. Do one thing and do it well. Be Redis, not JBoss.
The last three paragraphs of the section "Why use Rust?" should address that - basically, they have experience with solving this problem by writing parts of the code in C, they are not fans of that experience, and Rust is a compelling better C (and there are specific reasons they don't think C++ is compelling).
Are you asking in comparison to some other language? The most obvious other languages in the "compelling better C" niche I think are Ada, D, and Go; Ada and D (I think, I do not know them well) don't have as good of a standard library or outside development community, and Go is less suited to Rust to replacing portions of a process. Go would be a reasonable choice were one writing a VCS from scratch today.
The C++ rationale is bizarre. That a 2008 compiler doesn't provide modern features is unsurprising. They've chosen to use Rust is a strange reaction to this limitation, since it would be just as easy, from a toolchain perspective, to just use a modern C++ compiler.
One big advantage of rust is that (while some people won't like this), rust assumes you won't install it from your package manager, but download a script which installs it in your home directory. This script is quick and easy.
Trying to install a c++ compiler from source (and I've done it several times) is a much less plesent experience, so most people stick with what their package manager provides.
That isn't fair, all languages besides JS+HTML+CSS have issues with GUI libraries. Either you go Electron/webview or you have to deal with Qt/GTK for cross-platform GUI.
That's part of it, but more generally, Rust prioritizes fitting into other programs: it offers direct compatibility with the C ABI for functions and structs (because the C ABI is the effective lingua franca for ~all present-day OSes), it uses regular C-style stacks instead of segmented stacks, threading is implicit, calls between Rust and C in either direction are just regular function calls and involve no trampolines or special handling by the GC/runtime, there is no runtime that requires initialization so you can just call into a random Rust function from a C program without setup, etc.
Go has cgo, and has slowly come to a few of the same decisions (e.g., Go gave up on segmented stacks too), and gccgo exists, so it's certainly possible to use Go for this use case. But it's not as suited as Rust.
There's a nice post about calling Rust from Go which goes to lengths to avoid the cgo overhead, even though Rust can just directly expose C-compatible functions and cgo can call them without any special effort on either side: https://blog.filippo.io/rustgo/
> How so? Is it because Go has a GC and Rust doesn't?
More generally a heavy runtime, which creates issues when you're trying to replace parts of a process which has its own runtime, unless you can make the two cooperate (by actually using the same runtime e.g. jvm or graal or whatever).
Go's FFI is also easy to work with but the source of… other issues which is why the Go community often prefers reimplementing things entirely to using cgo and existing native libraries.
Only one I can see. Want speed and performance and safety? C++. Want easy multithreading? Go. Rust's only claim to fame is that Mozilla is dogfooding it.
C++ still does multi-threading better than rust, just that go does it better. Similarly go does perf better than rust, just that cpp is even better. So yeah, if you want the worst of all worlds coupled with the pains associated with a brand new language (try compiling rust for a armv5 soc) rust all the way!
Have you seen MyPy, static type annotations / checking for Python? http://mypy-lang.org/
In context, what I'm really getting at "a sufficiently non-dynamic subset of Python that it can be compiled statically, but also a sufficiently large one that real Python programs can have a chance of being in the subset." PyPy has a thing called RPython that fits the former but not really the latter (I don't know of any non-PyPy-related codebases that work in RPython). In general, adding complete type annotations to a codebase is pretty correlated with making it static enough to do meta-level things on like compiling and optimizing it - for instance if you have a variable that changes types as the program runs, at least now you've enumerated its possible types. It's not the only way of doing so, but it seems to work well in practice and there seems to be a correlation between compiled vs. interpreted languages and static vs. dynamic typing.
It's funny when developers themselves think effort is so fungible. Like if you spent 1 hour on A, then you would've also made 1 hour of progress on B, C, or D, and that it would've been worthwhile. To the point of fallacy in your post.
I would think developers have the experience to realize this isn't true but I see it all the time on these forums.
I think I'm making the opposite claim - effort isn't fungible (and availability of effort isn't fungible). You can't necessarily spend 1 hour that would otherwise go into, say, rewriting Mercurial into a compiled language and instead spend it on making CPython faster and get the same results. One of these is more likely to work, and also the two problems are going to attract interest from different people.
And one of the things that affects how productive one hour of work will be - and also whether random volunteers will even show up with one hour of work - is the likelihood of getting a change accepted and shipped to users. This is influenced by both the maintainers' fundamental openness to that sort of change, and any standards (influenced by the maintainers, who are in turn influenced by their users) about how careful a change must be to not make the project worse on other interesting standards of evaluation. It's also influenced by the number of people working on the project (network effects) because a more vibrant project is more likely to review your code promptly, finish a release, and get it into the hands of more users.
So I'm claiming that it's better to spend time on rewriting Mercurial in Rust than to spend time on getting CPython startup faster, because the Mercurial folks are actively interested in such contributions and the CPython folks are actively uninterested, and because there are fewer external constraints in making Mercurial startup faster than in making CPython startup faster. And I'm saying that the more we encourage folks to help with rewriting Mercurial in Rust, the more likely additional folks are to show up and help with the same project, thereby making 1 hour of effort even more productive.
FWIW no one who replied to this email thread said something even close to "no". Victor Stinner points out that startup time is something that comes up a lot and mentions some recent work in the area [1].
Python is a big ship, it may not be as nimble as a young FOSS project but it is always improving and investments in things like start up time pays dividends to a large ecosystem.
I get the impression that backwards-compatibility does weigh pretty heavily on the Python core developers these days. There are so many Python installations out there doing so much that the default answer to a change has to be "no". The fact that macOS and popular Linux distributions ship with copies of Python is great, but once something is effectively a component of operating systems, boldness is not a viable strategy. Arguably, one of the reasons why the transition to Python 3 has been so drawn out is that every time somebody installs macOS or one of many Linux distributions, a new Python 2 system is born. I've seen .NET Core developers explain that having .NET Framework shipped in Windows put them under massive constraints, and this was one of the motivations for a new runtime.
I'm not denying this phenomenon, but part of it is surely that widely used projects get more conservative because any change risks breaking something for someone somewhere. And the maintainers tend to feel a sense of responsibility to help people deal with these breakages.
I'll bring a slightly different perspective, as someone who's been using Python professionally for over a decade: there is no such thing as just saying "yes" or "no". Every "yes" to one group is at least an implicit "no" to some other group, and vice-versa.
The Python 2/3 transition is a great example of this. Python 2 continued an earlier tradition of saying "yes" to almost everything from one particular group of programmers: people working on Unix who wanted a high-level language they could use to write Unix utilities, administrative tools, daemons, etc. In doing that, Python said "no" to people in a lot of other domains.
Python 3 switched to saying "yes" to those other domains much more often. Which came with the inherent cost of saying "no" (or, more often, "not anymore") to the Unix-y crowd Python 2 had catered to. Life got harder for those programmers with Python 3. There's been work since then to mitigate some of the worst of it, but some of the changes that made Python nice to use for other domains are just always going to be messy for people doing the traditional Unix-type stuff.
Personally, I think it was the right choice, and not just because my own problem domain got some big improvements from Python 3. In order to keep growing, and really even to maintain what it already had, Python had to become more than just a language that was good for traditional Unix-y things. Not changing in that respect would have been a guaranteed dead end.
This doesn't mean it has to feel good to be someone from the traditional Unix programming domain who now feels like the language only ever says "no". But it does mean that it's worth having the perspective that this was how a lot of us felt in that golden age when you think Python said "yes" to everything, because really it was Python saying "yes" to you and "no" to me. And it's worth understanding that what feels like "no" doesn't mean the language is against you; it means the language is trying to balance the competing needs of a very large community.
"people working on Unix .... In doing that, Python said "no" to people in a lot of other domains."
Could you elaborate on this?
I thought Python was pretty good about supporting non-Unix OSes from early on. It was originally developed on SGI IRIX and MacOS. From the README for version 0.9:
> There are built-in modules that interface to the operating system and to various window systems: X11, the Mac window system (you need STDWIN for these two), and Silicon Graphics' GL library. It runs on most modern versions of UNIX, on the Mac, and I wouldn't be surprised if it ran on MS-DOS unchanged. I developed it mostly on an SGI IRIS workstation (using IRIX 3.1 and 3.2) and on the Mac, but have tested it also on SunOS (4.1) and BSD 4.3 (tahoe).
though it looks like there wasn't "painless" DOS support until 1994, with the comment "Many portability fixes should make it painless to build Python on
several new platforms, e.g. NeXT, SEQUENT, WATCOM, DOS, and Windows."
I also thought that PythonWin had very good Windows support quite early on. The 1.5a3 release notes say:
> - Mark Hammond will release Python 1.5 versions of PythonWin and his
other Windows specific code: the win32api extensions, COM/ActiveX
support, and the MFC interface.
> - As always, the Macintosh port will be done by Jack Jansen. He will
make a separate announcement for the Mac specific source code and the
binary distribution(s) when these are ready.
So, take the Python 3 string changes as an example.
Python 2 scripting on Unix was great! Python just adopted the Unix tradition of pretending everything is ASCII up until it isn't, and then breaking horribly. And then the Linux world said "just use UTF-8 everywhere!" and really meant "just keep assuming things are ASCII, or at least one byte per code point, and break horribly when it isn't!"
This was great for people writing command-line scripts and utilities. This was a nightmare for people working in domains like web development.
Python 3 flipped the script: now, the string type is Unicode, and a lot of APIs broke immediately under Python 3 due to the underlying Unix environment being, well, kind of a clusterfuck when it came to locales and character encoding and hidden assumptions about ASCII or one-byte-per-character. Suddenly, all those people who had been using Python 2 -- which mostly worked identically to the way popular Linux distros did -- were using Python 3 and discovering the hell of character encoding that everybody else had been living in, and they complained loudly about it.
But for growing from a Unix-y scripting language into a general-purpose language, this change was absolutely necessary. Programmers should have to think about character encoding at their input/output boundaries, and in a high-level language should not be thinking of text as a sequence of bytes. But this requires some significant changes to how you write things like command-line utilities.
This is an example of a "yes" to one group being a "no" to another group. Or, at least, of it feeling that way.
Also, saying that Python was a great Unix-y language is not equivalent to "Python only ran on Unix and never supported Windows at all", and you know that, so it was kind of dishonest of you to try to start an argument from the assumption that I said the latter when really I said the former. Don't do that again, please.
You wrote: Python was a great Unix-y language is not equivalent to "Python only ran on Unix and never supported Windows at all",
Let me elaborate further. I recall that Mark Hammond at one of the Python conferences around 2000 said that Python was the language with the best support for Windows outside of the languages developed at Redmond. Hammond did much of the heavy work in making that happen.
I didn't mean to sneak in a dishonest argument.
I am under the genuine impression that Python worked well for Windows, with the narrow Unicode build that matched the UCS2 encoding that Windows used, and was comparable to the experience of developing under Python for Unix.
Similarly, I thought the native Mac support under, say, OS 9, was also well supported, and matched the Mac environment.
I'm not saying that there weren't problems, and I agree that that web development is one of the places where those problems came up.
Rather, I'm saying that I think the native Unix, native Windows, and native Mac support were roughly comparable, such that I don't think it's right to say that there was a really strong bias towards Unix.
What I said: Python was a great language for writing traditional Unix-y things like shell scripts, daemons, sysadmin tools, and here's an example of it adopting something that made that much easier.
What you are trying to twist that into saying: Python somehow didn't run on or wasn't used on or was terrible on operating systems not explicitly named "Unix".
I don't see any way to assume good faith on your part given you've repeated that attempt at putting words in my mouth while demonstrating knowledge that indicates you understand perfectly well what it was I really said. I'm going to ignore you now.
> Python 2 continued an earlier tradition of saying "yes" to almost everything from one particular group of programmers: people working on Unix who wanted a high-level language they could use to write Unix utilities, administrative tools, daemons, etc. In doing that, Python said "no" to people in a lot of other domains.
> Python 3 switched to saying "yes" to those other domains much more often.
I would like to know why you singled out Unix when it seems like Python also said "yes" to MS Windows.
Of course Python developers said "no" to other domains. Every language says "no" to some domains. I thought you were trying to make something more meaningful about a specific bias towards Unix.
Eg, as I recall, the Perl implementation was biased towards Unix and was difficult to compile under Windows. The glob syntax, for example, called out to the shell.
Honestly, I was expecting you to point out a difficulty that Python had with non-Unix OSes, specifically with MS Windows, which has since been remedied with Python 3.
I didn't expect this response at all, nor have my attempts to explain myself seemed to have made a difference.
I still don't know why you singled out Unix in your earlier comment. And it seems I will never know.
"Unix-y" is a paradigm or design philosophy, not an operating system. You can write unixy things for any OS. That's what the parent is talking about, not an operating system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy
Your wording wouldn't have cause me to raise an eyebrow.
But ubernostrum seemed to be making a stronger statement that Python favored "one particular group of programmers: people working on Unix ... to write Unix utilities, administrative tools, daemons, etc."
While I know that I used Python 2.x with the win32 extensions to write daemons for MS Windows, and to write an ActiveX extension for Excel.
That's why I wanted clarification on the basis for ubernostrum's statement, with pointers to why I thought Python was well-supported on other OSes.
The biggest thing is likely the str/unicode change. In py2, if working on a unix system with only ascii, you never had to think about strings. Suddenly with python3, you had to a little bit.
The gain was that for everyone else (read: web, non-English, anywhere where unicode is common), python became much easier to use. But for those specific english-unix-ascii cases, it was a mild inconvenience.
Edit: as ubernostrum pointed out, more than a mild inconvenience if you were porting code. If writing new code, it was not much worse, but porting was absolutely a pain.
And I thought that if working with Python 2 on a MS Windows system, then you also didn't really have to think about strings. That is, Python's narrow Unicode strings matched the native UCS-2 of Windows.
I did some Python 2 programming under Windows and don't recall string issues; certainly fewer issues than I've had in dealing with Python 3 changes.
I agree that what we have now is an improvement. I just don't see why the old way was really Unix-centric.
If python 3 transition did bring dramatic perf increases I guess people would have been way faster to sell that upgrade to their hierarchies. Not that I blame python team for the lack of it. But fictional dev history would have been different
No doubt, huge perf improvements for free would have made the transition more compelling.
However, what I'm suggesting is that large perf wins are not free. Breaking compatibility too much more could have doomed Python 3. And now that the devs know how painful a transition is, they're far less likely to break compatibility again for any reason.
I think part of what explains this attitude in people is "lack of imagination". In the sense that sometimes, especially when an existing project or organization or bureaucracy has become huge and daunting, people cannot imagine excellence anymore, so they believe it to be literally impossible.
To be fair, they are frequently saying no to things other people think they should do (rather than saying no to things like contributions of startup improvements).
I think your comment is well-intentioned (I upvoted) but I respectfully disagree. I think wanting Python to be a bit faster is similar to wanting Haskell to have a little bit of mutability. Engineering with restrictions is a good thing, we can do great systems in Haskell because it's a very neat language even though it lacks mutability. We also can do great systems in Python because it's a very neat language even though it's a bit slow. Sure, you can always optimize Python's performance, that's a legitimate problem and it takes a few engineers to solve it. But it's more interesting to work around Python's slowness by engineering tricks such as better algorithms etc.
My whole point is that 10x thing cannot just magically happen. The reason Python is slow is not incompetent programming or lack of magic. We know why that's happening. Because every variable in Python interpreter is a hash map and pretty much every operation is a hash map lookup. How do you optimize this? The only way is to remove language features like `setattr` and my whole point is that some people use Python because it's flexible enough to do that so they need their `setattr`.
> The reason Python is slow is not incompetent programming or lack of magic. We know why that's happening. Because every variable in Python interpreter is a hash map and pretty much every operation is a hash map lookup.
This statement is easily refuted by PyPy. Here's a simple program which runs 70 times faster in PyPy than Python on my machine - including startup time:
> How do you optimize this?
Semantically, everything in JavaScript and Lua is also hash map lookups. Yet very smart people have made those languages very fast. CPython is not slow for the reasons you stated.
Not all python programs are compatible with PyPy though. Nor do they get much of a performance boost by switching. Pandas and NumPy for example didn't work on PyPy until less than a year ago. And a good chunk of Python codebases are going to use one of those at some point.
> Not all python programs are compatible with PyPy though.
I'm not sure how this is relevant to my reply... I didn't say PyPy was a replacement for Python. I said PyPy, Lua, and JavaScript are existence proofs that dynamic "hash table" languages don't have to be slow. Therefore, CPython must be slow for some other reason.
> Sure, you can always optimize Python's performance, that's a legitimate problem and it takes a few engineers to solve it. But it's more interesting to work around Python's slowness by engineering tricks such as better algorithms etc.
Surely you're not implying that improving Python's performance would preclude finding interesting algorithms, nor that this is a suitable rationale for keeping Python slow? Anyway, algos can only get you so far when they're built on slow primitives (all data scattered haphazardly across the heap, every property access is a hash table lookup, every function call is a dozen C function calls, etc).
> I think wanting Python to be a bit faster is similar to wanting Haskell to have a little bit of mutability
I'm sorry but that makes zero sense. Haskell is defined by immutability. People want to use haskell because of that characteristic. I don't want to use python because it is slow.
Sorry I disagree. There is definitely a sense in which Haskell is desirable because it is immutable, e.g. I myself love immutable data structures, it certainly makes it desirable. But my point is that it puts a restriction. Now you cannot implement algorithms that need mutability such as hash maps. It is easy to circumvent such problems but one other way is basically introducing mutability to Haskell which totally doesn't make sense. I think same goes for python, if you want to make it significantly faster then you need to face certain trade-offs: maybe data model should be optimized, or maybe `int` shouldn't be arbitrary precision integers, or maybe there should be primitive types like `int`, `double` as in Java to increase performance. Truth is these are not Pythonic solutions, and just like mutability is not Haskell-esque, optimizing Python sacrifising these trade-offs is not Pythonic.
> one other way is basically introducing mutability to Haskell which totally doesn't make sense
It makes perfect sense, because Haskell is not "an immutable language". It's a language in which some things are immutable, and those that are not are explicitly indicated in the type system.
This is why large companies like Google often reinvents the wheel. Open source gives everyone the right to use, but not the power of control. Sure, you can fork, but then your version will diverge from the official, and the pain of maintaining compatibility may be greater than writing your own from scratch.
It's a byproduct of how many people you have to answer to. I was kind of having discussion with a coworker about an app that had a lot of features that made it seem kind of cluttered but useful. I think small projects can make bolder choices and enable more options because they have a smaller userbase that would be impacted by their changes and they want to be able to reach more people so adding a feature is generally a net benefit. But a larger project cannot risk hurting the large userbase they have already established so they have to be more cautious about the changes that they make.
I've always been disappointed at how quickly people make sweeping generalizations from a single anecdote. (I also think Python can do better here, but the generalization isn't justifiable.)
Python 3.6 is trying an enormous number of potential paths that code for imports might be found at. Why is that fixed in stone? Couldn't Python 3.(n+1) change that, if it's slow and historical, cutting out a bunch of slow system calls?
As someone who makes use of Python to deploy software, it's entirely possible that could cause me a few issues... which I'd fix quite easily. It should be totally reasonable to expect the community using the software to cope with those sorts of changes after a major release; the alternative is ossification.
Django suffered from maintaining too much compatibility, and releasing too slowly, and they fixed it. Three or four years ago everyone was talking about moving away from it; now they release often, deprecate stuff when they need to, and the project is as vibrant as it ever was. Time for cPython to learn the same lesson.
Everyone is focusing on python, but where is this "can do" spirit from mozilla? Their are languages with better startup times, bash, perl, lua, awk to name a few, and could likely do whatever the python scripts are doing.
Python3 has the exact opposite problem: Too many devs willing to say "yes" to features and a small number of devs who try to keep things fast and maintainable.
This is true but python's relative slowness (along with the GIL) is an issue that is regularly blown out of all proportion.
Part of the reason for the language's success is because it made intelligent tradeoffs that often went against the grain of the opinions of the commentariat and focused on its strengths rather than pandering to the kinds of people who write language performance comparison blog posts.
If speed were of primary importance then PyPy would be a lot more popular.
You're conflating two kinds of "performance", startup latency and steady state throughput. We're talking about the former, and you're proposing improvements for the latter. In fact, moving to pypy is exactly what you shouldn't do to improve startup.
It's surprising but frequently true that startup latency has a greater effect on the perception of performance than actual throughput. Nobody likes to type a command and then be kept waiting, even if the started program could in principle demonstrate amazing feats of computation once warmed up.
The GIL is a pretty nasty problem once you try to scale things beyond one core.
Simply try something like unpickling a 10 GB data structure while keeping your GUI in the main thread responsive. You cannot do that because the GIL locks up everything while modifying data structures. Move the data to another process instead of another thread. Great, your GUI is responsive but you can't access the data from the main thread.
You can say that such a humongous data structure is wrong or that a GUI isn't meant to be responsive or programmed in Python or that I'm holding it wrong. Probably right.
I've flailed around with this a few times in the last year or so and have found that posting things up and down a multiprocessing.Pipe is the least painful alternative.
So you're basically building a distributed application just because you can't share memory properly. This can be very efficient if little communication is involved or a total nightmare if you have gigabytes of data where you need lots of random read access to walk the data structures at high speed. If you're not careful you spend most of your time pickling and unpickling the stuff you send over your pipes while requiring duplication of your gigabyte data structures in order to gain at least some parallelism.
I don't see a way around this mess with the current structure of python. You would have to reimplement the data heavy part completely in another language that provides proper threading models.
"You're holding it wrong" is a poor response to a wide audience, like iPhone users. But it's an OK response to a specialist, like someone tackling the task you describe.
I'm a professional Python developer and I run into performance problems a lot. Python makes things really hard for even specialists to "hold right". Contrast that with Go, which (for all the hate it gets) writes very alike well-formed Python in single-threaded applications, and writes how you would like to write Python in parallel applications. And all the while being two orders of magnitude faster. If we don't start taking performance seriously in the Python community, Go (or someone else) will eat our lunch sooner or later.
Go offers faster performance with code that is up to 50% longer - with the commensurate added maintenance burden.
And, go is still very slow compared to C, C++ or Rust.
Since performance is usually a power law distribution (99% of the performance gains are made in 1% of the code), it's frequently more effective - in terms of speed and maintenance burden - to code up hot paths in a language like C, C++ or Rust and keep python.
I accept that Go is more verbose than Python, but your maintainability claim doesn’t match my experience at all. I find that Go is more maintainable for a few reasons: magic is discouraged in Go, everyone writes Go in pretty much the same way and with the same style, Python’s type system is still very immature (no recursive types, doesn’t play nicely with magical libs). Further, in my experience with working with large Python and Go codebases, Python becomes less maintainable very quickly as code size increases, especially in the face of more junior developers. Go seems to be more resistant to these forces, probably because of the rails it imposes. Lastly, any maintainability advantages Python might have had are quickly eaten up by the optimizations, which are necessary in a much greater portion of the code base because naive Python is so much slower than naive Go.
Go is ~100X faster than Python and about half as fast as C/C++/Rust, and I find it to be at least as maintainable as Python for most (but not all!) applications.
As for your power law claim, I agree with the premise but not the conclusion—-“rewrite the hotpath in C!” is not a panacea. This only works when you’re getting enough perf gain out of the C code to justify the marshaling overhead (and of course the new maintenance burden).
I don’t like bashing on Python, but it doesn’t compete well with Go on these grounds. It needs to improve, and we can’t fix it by making dubious claims about Go. We should push to improve things like Pypy and MyPy, as well as other tooling and improvements.
Have you watched David Beazley's talks about using generators to implement coroutines? That might give you a similar pattern to goroutines. If non-blocking IO isn't the challenge, do you make use of the concurrent.futures module?
While I also encounter efficiency issues, most of them are frustrations with the overhead of serialization in some distributed compute framework or the throughput of someone else's REST API. As much as so many people complain about the GIL, it's never been a blocker for me (pun intended). Perhaps it's because my style in Python is heavily influenced by Clojure.
Now that I think about it, Python's string processing is often my bottleneck.
Coroutines aren’t parallelization, so they’re quite a lot worse than goroutines in terms of performance. If you want parallelism in Python, you’re pretty much constrained to clumsy multiprocessing. Besides parallelism, Python makes it difficult to write efficient single threaded code, since all data is sprinkled around the heap, everything is garbage collected, and you can’t do anything without digging into a hashmap and calling a dozen C functions under the hood. And you can’t do much about these things except write in C, and that can even make things slower if you aren’t careful.
Probably the best thing you can do in Python is async io, and even this is clumsier and slower than in Go. :(
I'm getting confused. Are you trying to do parallel compute or parallel networking?
If parallel networking, the benchmarks I've seen set Python asynchronous IO at about the same speed as Golang. The folks at Magicstack reported that Python's bottleneck was parsing HTTP (https://magic.io/blog/uvloop-blazing-fast-python-networking/). Note their uvloop benchmark was about as fast or faster than the equivalent Golang code.
If parallel compute, then multiprocessing is the way to go and Python's futures module ain't clumsy. It's just ``pool.submit(func)`` or ``pool.map(func, sequence)``. If you're asking for parallel compute via multithreading, you're going against the wisdom of shared-nothing architecture. Besides, pretty soon you'll want to go distributed and won't be able to use threads anyway.
In contrast to your experience, I find Python makes it easy to write efficient code. Getting rid of the irrelevant details lets me focus on clear and efficient algorithms. When I need heavy compute, I sprinkle in a little NumPy or Numba. My bottleneck is (de)serialization, but Dask using Apache Arrow should solve that problem.
> I'm getting confused. Are you trying to do parallel compute or parallel networking?
Parallelism conventionally means "parallel computation". For async workloads, you're right--there are third party event loops that approach Go's performance, but that's not the subject of my complaint.
Regarding parallelism, I haven't used Python's futures module specifically, but all multiprocessing solutions are bad for data-heavy workloads simply because the time to marshal the data structure across the process boundary poses a severe penalty. There are many other disadvantages to processes as well--they're far less memory friendly than a goroutine (N Python interpreters running, each with the necessary imports loaded), they require extra support to get logging to work as expected (you have to make sure to pipe stderr and stdout), they're subject to the operating system's scheduler, which may kill them on a whim.
> Besides, pretty soon you'll want to go distributed and won't be able to use threads anyway.
Processes have the same problem in addition to being generally less efficient.
> you're going against the wisdom of shared-nothing architecture
I mean, sort of. If you're doing a parallel computation on a large immutable data structure, you don't lose out on maintainability, but you gain quite a lot of performance (no need to copy/marshal that structure across process boundaries). The loss of maintainability is negligible due to immutability. Besides, there are lots of other good reasons to share things across processes, like connection pools, file handles, and other resources.
Also, it's terribly ironic that you're defending CPython and specifically its GIL on the basis of "shared nothing architecture".
> In contrast to your experience, I find Python makes it easy to write efficient code. Getting rid of the irrelevant details lets me focus on clear and efficient algorithms.
Then you'll love Go--Go has far fewer irrelevant details than Python and Python lacks many _relevant_ details, such as control over memory. Your efficient algorithm in Python will almost certainly be at least two or orders of memory better than the equivalent CPython without compromising much in terms of readability.
> When I need heavy compute, I sprinkle in a little NumPy or Numba.
I haven't used Numba, but I've seen a lot of Python get _slower_ with NumPy and Pandas (and lots of other C extensions, for that matter). You have to know your problem well or you'll end up with code that is less readable and less performant than the original, and even when it works it's still less readable than the naive Go implementation and not significantly more performant.
> My bottleneck is (de)serialization, but Dask using Apache Arrow should solve that problem
They'll help, but the fact that Python needs these projects when other languages have far simpler solutions is an admission of guilt in my view. That said, I'm excited to see what sorts of things these projects enable in the Python community.
> Processes have the same problem in addition to being generally less efficient.
What I meant was that you should consider a multiprocessing approach that shares essentially no data between processes. As you say, the memory copying overhead is highly inefficient. Once you approach a problem like that, you've already implemented an essentially distributed system and the change is trivial.
I've regretted multithreading enough times to convince me it's almost never the right choice. Mostly because I find I've underestimated the project scale and needed to rewrite as distributed. Maybe those new monstrous instances available on EC2 will change my habits. I've never had such flexible access to a 4TB RAM / 128 core machine before.
> the fact that Python needs these projects
Apache Arrow solves problems for many languages. The ACM article that popped up the other day, "C is not low-level" touched on some of the issues.
Python derives a good chunk of its speed (if not all of it) from carefully tuned libraries written in other languages (or even for other architectures in the case of many machine learning packages). As soon as you try to do a lot of heavy processing python even the compiled versions quickly bog down. IMO the best way to use python is to use it to cleverly glue together highly optimized code. That way you spend the minimum amount of effort and you get maximum performance.
You can see this attitude of "no" on this very HN thread. Read the comments! Instead of talking about ways we can make Python startup faster, we're seeing arguments that Python shouldn't be fast, we shouldn't try to make it faster, and that programs (and, by implication, programmers) who want Python startup to be fast are somehow illegitimate. It's a dismal perspective. We should be exercising our creativity as a way to solve problems, not finding creative ways to convince ourselves to accept mediocrity.